The Words of a Real Man
I used to be disrespectful, and didn’t listen to anyone, but myself. Then, my foolish decision put me on death row. Life has been hard for me, because I thought being a “man” at 18, was being a man … believe me, I wasn’t! Doing manly things, and being a man are two different things. Now, being the age I am, and learning the thing I’ve learned, I’ve become a “Real Man”! I’ve made myself do right. I’ve learned to do, and have grown to do, the will of God. I’ve taught myself that a man has respect for others. To get respect, you have to first respect yourself.
Teach the next man, or woman that life has its ups and downs, but you and the next person can live on and do better the next trip. So, what I’m sayin’ is, life isn’t just a life … it’s everything. so, before you judge someone, think about, if you were in their place would you want someone judging you?! Or, would you want the chance to prove that, you aren’t who you used to be?
Take care and God bless,
The Realist
A Dose of Reality
We need to make a change for the better, we need to make the public more aware of the indecent gruesome experiment inmates go through. First, we go through years and years of stress, not saying the victim’s families aren’t but the truth in the matter is life goes on, even if either person or either side is here or gone.
So, let’s make a difference by not looking for vengeance. Stop looking for the next person to feel your pain. It only brings more pain. After the most recent execution the victim’s family said they forgave Mr. Brooks for what he did. “Forgave”! Yes, forgave a man for the death of her family member. Now, that’s justice, not a bitter act, but act of peace only. In the heart of Alabama it’s murder for justice, murder for the public & murder for the people. Who, what, when, where and how can you get justice like that?
So, ask yourself, is executing a person justice for the people, or justice for the broken constitution?! The unjust laws you call rights!
Thanks, and God bless y’all.
The Realist
~ Let Me Talk To You ~
Let me talk to you for a second, about justice and mercy.
There’s no such thing as fair justice in the eyes of the law, only vengeance. Killing a person in the name of justice, to avenge a murder, is revenge … plain and simple. If, you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig, and you’ve only wasted some lipstick!! Killing a man or woman in the name of justice only creates more pain and problems. The so called “justice for the people” is no more than death for death, and pain for pain. Revenge!!
If, you call yourself a believer, in whatever you believe in … whether you be a Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc., etc., you should not take an active part in murder,, nor have it done in your name. No killing! State sanctioned, or any other!!
The death penalty solves nothing, but makes a cycle, and breeds more hate. The victim is gone, the condemned is gone, the families on both sides will still have a loved one gone, and resentment in their hearts.
The powers that be say, “we have no hearts” and “we don’t deserve a second chance”. Well, I say, “they have no hearts, and they need to stop their senseless killing”. Using the evilness inside to prosper off of people’s misery and fear! Ask the question … “How many people have been convicted of murder, sent to prison, served their time, and went on to be very productive citizen???”
I say this very sincerely, and proudly … there’s no justice in vengeance!!
Thank you and God bless
The Realist
~ Death Has No Face ~
I come to you as no surprise,
No conscious,
just life I must deprive.
Only innocent lives I must seek,
Without a purpose or care
for a soul that’s weak.
I come to you like a creep in the night,
to make a change to the people who put up a fight.
death has no face, in the eyes of the law.
Just kill without a purpose, no fear or care of a default,
Only making room for the weak to fall.
Justice hat no pace in the eyes of the law.
Death has no face …
The Realist
All over the world, false imprisonment of an individual comes as no surprise. Day by day, month by month, and year by year innocent men/women are convicted by contaminated DNA, jail house snitches looking to get their time cut (by any means), or in most cases mistaken identity. Time after time, you see or hear in the news or newspapers about a person being wrongfully convicted by he say/she say, and it later comes to light that it was no more than a person trying to better their own situation by telling a fabricated story … a web of lies and deceit to save themselves. It’s sad to say that, it only condemns an innocent person, and also shows how broken the system really is. Without coerced testimony, lying witnesses, fabricated evidence, and overzealous prosecutions there would be less wrongful convictions. Oh, the system isn’t perfect, so there will always be wrongful convictions, but the likelihood of innocent people continuing to die in death chambers goes down.
Mississippi, Alabama, Arizona, and North Carolina just to name a few, all have recently had men and women exonerated for contaminated evidence, mistaken identity, or like always, racial profiling. When will justice be upheld in the right way? Too many people are being wrongfully convicted, all in the name of justice. It shouldn’t take 30 years, 20 years, 10 years or even 5 years for an innocent person to be set free. To be honest, an innocent person shouldn’t have to ever suffer such a travesty, and miscarriage of justice.
Can the madness stop! Can the evilness stop!! Can the system that people are brutally, hatefully, wrongfully, and intentionally victimized in stop!!! WOW!!!
Snitches, can’t live with ’em, but the state can’t survive without ‘em.
Take care,
~ The Realist ~
Eyez on the Prize
If your mind is at a standstill, it’s probably because the U.S. Supreme Court made an asinine ruling to allow states to continue executing human beings with a drug proven to not do what the states contend. So, now it’s time to put up or shut up … no time for second guessing. If, you’re on your last limb, start praying and tighten up before the ball stars rolling. There’s no time for hopeless wishing. It’s time for action. It’s time to do something about this continued injustice. It’s time to be heard – “ROAR”, and stand up to be counted! Change doesn’t just come because you (we) want it to. You (we) have to put forth an effort, put in the work! You have a voice, so let’s make sure it’ heard. Playtime is over! If, you truly believe in what you believe in, and you’re sick and tired of courts playing God, and being unfair get more involved. Let your voice be heard! Get active in this fight against injustice. Keep your eyes on the prize, and fight the fight. Remember, time can always be on your side, when you use it wisely!
Thanks and be blessed,
The Realist
Dominoe Effect
Pick ‘em up, line ‘em up … one by one is how the State of Alabama does inmates on death row.
If, you know the game of dominoes, and how people like to line them up on their edges to create elaborate designs … then you also know, how they fall if you make one slip. There are many on death row who are at the mercy of the court right now. A lot of them have been victimized. Their character as a person has been assassinated, and in the public eye, they’re meaningless. Never need to get out, all because of the nature of the crimes they’re accused of. Not caring if you live, or die. Continuously doing harm to a human being, without a care, or a purpose. The state is still at a standstill, but inmates are also still lined up … and the State of Alabama is waiting on a slip, so the dominoe effect can go into effect. Let’s not slip!
Keep God in the back, so we can hold down the front, and END THE DOMINOE EFFECT!!
Only a strong foundation can keep hope alive.
Thanks and God bless
The Realist
~ Broken Hearted ~
My heart is broken
I feel discarded.
No hope, just pain!
Down right cold hearted.
All my dreams seem vain on the outside,
Maybe, one day it will change, but –
right now, I’m still broken hearted …
I’m Still Broken Hearted!!
The Realist
--- Good 4 Bad ---
I think, there are plenty of good people in this world, but there are plenty of bad ones as well. It really doesn’t matter, good or bad on the states side, it’s always used for bad, in the most catastrophic of ways. Such as, taking the surrounding of a person’s life to paint an unfair picture to the public, as being the most horrible person on the face of the earth. Not caring at all about the damage they cause. Now, the states are saying, they have a good way … to murder! And I quote, “if we can just get 100 % grade midazolam, we can be sure that the inmate would not feel a thing”. But, what they aren’t saying “out loud” is that, they need a very good masking agent, so no one will know that the inmates are feeling lots of things … fire in their veins for certain! Now, that don’t make no, and I do mean, no sense what so ever. Are they that desperate to murder? That they would feed the public a bunch of lies, half-truths, and unicorn-type stories? Of course they would!!!
Thanks for your
and God Bless,
The Realist
~ Just Don’t Know ~
I just don’t know why, I feel the way I feel,
I just don’t know why, the state loves to kill.
They only know why, they don’t feel what I feel!
I just don’t know why, I just don’t know why …
And that’s real!!
-The Realist-
I heard on the news, a woman said, a botched execution is not as painful as losing a loved one. Well, I sympathize with that woman, and all families that have been touched by senseless violence. However, I have something to say, for you and everyone else that feels the way you feel. First of all, what would your family member think of you, spouting such hate in their name?! What would they think of the person they knew, compromising themselves for the sake of revenge!?
Now, what if your father, mother, brother, sister, or child was in my shoes?? In the shoes of a person suffering through a botched execution. Would you still have that same demeanor, or would you be saying, “Save my family”? I ask that, because the statement you sent out is, you don’t care who it is, they deserve to die, and it doesn’t matter if they suffer. In this world that we live, there is fair and not so fair justice, and in this case, it’s nothing fair or justice about it!! Then, saying, in God’s words or teachings emphasize making another human being suffer?! As far as I know, in the Bible it says, “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord”. However, out in society, all I’m hearing from death penalty supporters is, “Vengeance is ours”. Their favorite quote being, “If I can kill this person, we’ll all be safer”. Well, the error in that statement is “If I”, cause since the death penalty has been in this world, not once did it prevent murders. Still, they won’t ever admit they’re wrong! It’s just kill, kill, kill! All I wanna know is, if myself, and hundreds like me should die for a split second reaction that landed us on death row … what is ahead for those who think, and seek revenge 24/7?
The Realist
~ They H8tin ~
The state wanna kill about 23 inmates, while in Georgia they wanna kill a woman. Out of all the people they wanna execute, there’s always a problem. For instance, the state has tried not once, not twice, but a plethora of times since 2013 to execute Thomas Arthur, even with all the problems surrounding the death penalty! Reckless!! Those in Georgia, attempted to execute a woman, under their secrecy act, with drugs from a compounding pharmacy, that turned out to be cloudy (meaning, something was wrong with those drugs), but no one knows who to blame for that! Utah, wanna say, “If we don’t have the drugs to kill, we’ll bring back the firing squad”. In the words of The Realist … “When will all the H8tin stop?!” The U.S. is playin chicken Russian roulette, and witch hunt with people’s lives. Yes, I said people!! We are human beings, not animals. The state likes to say, may God have mercy on you. Now, I say, “God have mercy on all of you!”
The Realist
~ Beyond the Wall ~
I look out of my window every day and the way I look it towards the trees.
So, am I here, or am I beyond the walls?! I’m on Death Row, but my mind is in the streets.
Mentally, I’m free!
I’m here only because they want me to be, but by night I’m neutral!
So, am I here, or am I beyond the walls …
~ Keep Ya Faith ~
The bible tells us in psalm
6. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do to me?
7. The Lord taketh my part with
them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.
In so many words … Don’t let the man get you down. Hold your head up high, and act like you still have life in ya! Remember, it’s not over until it’s over. So, keep ya faith, and don’t sweat it! Fight on!!!
Keep ya faith,
The Realist
~ Russian Roulette ~
If you’ve heard of the term “Russian Roulette” then, you know why I’m saying what I’m saying about executions. Take the states methods for killing an inmate as the “game” of Russian Roulette. For the last 2 years, the State of Alabama has played a game of Russian Roulette with the lives of human beings. They put a bullet (a human being) in the cylinder (the death house), spin and fire! Continually setting a date to execute someone, but constantly misfiring. The set a date … click! They try again … click! They try, they try, and they try … click, click, click! Either that gun is truly empty, or God’s telling you something! I don’t think, the State of Alabama is getting the point. Walk away from this “game” you’re playing. Why must you “con” your way into an execution, like the game of Russian Roulette? What are the odds?!
God bless,
The Realist
They call it a secret, but I Call it nothing other than a str8 bunch of bull! If it’s all such a secret, why do we already know the game plan? Just trying to get it passed, so you can cover you’re a**! Don’t hide, show your work. If you’re not trying to hide your wrongs. Hiding behind thick layered walls of injustice, throwing deadly rocks. We get, loud and clear! You have no kind of pity for no one, not even yourself. Just kill, kill, kill!!! Yet, you us the monsters! Who’s the real monsters … a person who made a bad choice, a spilt second mistake, or the person that senselessly retaliates for revenge?! Careless, heartless, and no love for the families on the other side of this issue. They’re victims also!
Then, in the name of “justice” people are being tortured, in front of a plethora of people, but nothing is being done to stop it. Then, you have the nerves to say, “May God have mercy on your soul.” Well, I give you the same wish – “May God have mercy on the governor, prosecutors, and executioners”, because, “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord!”
Thanks for listening, be blessed
~ Against All Odds ~
All things that are good, can and will cause problems; If it’s in your favor like a shell,, the odds are good and can also be bad; against all odds!
The state use the good as a cover-up and say we made no mistakes. The blame
is on your country, but- still they won’t admit their wrongs.
Still, leaving you – against all odds!
The Realist
~ Slow Motion ~
(Slow Motion)
In a mind of your
think fast, move slow
so nothing will go wrong
(Slow Motion)
It’s like a time zone
move forward, not back
never sweat anymore wrongs
It’s slow motion
The Realist
~ Have A Plan ~
It’s time to have a plan, no need for second thoughts. The scales are slowly tipping, and it’s moving in the way of the state. All the hard work we’ve accomplished seems it’s not enough to make the state fold. But, it’s still at a stalemate, no room for either side to slip. So, once again have a plan, because the state certainly has one. It may, or may not be a need to start sweating, but it is time to make them sweat. Keep our feet on their necks, and keep the hope alive. That’s part of our plan …
The Realist
~ The Wait is Over ~
The state is trying to move forward with the setting of 9 execution dates, here in Alabama. Right now, it’s at a time that, I say and speak for a lot of people … fear may take its toll
on a lot of people, family and friends.
Can the
state really have the method to have an execution, or is the state yet again just wanting to make another statement to the public that, “they’ll kill by any means necessary” to make inmates all
well as the general public know that, they’ll do whatever they feel. So, this isn’t at all about justice, but a game of show and tell. “We, the state has the upper, and we’ll kill at
We as not the true monsters, have to keep
the faith in the Most High!
God bless you all, and -
strength to those who join us
in the struggle,
The Realist
~ Another Time Has Come ~
Another time has come, for the state to show their work … they’re trying to put more fear in the hearts of men. The bible says in psalms 118:6 … the Lord is on my side; I will not fear: What can man do unto me.
Some men may
lay down! Some men may stand up and fight, with no fear! Never in a million years would I have thought, I’d say, “I was a little afraid.” It gets scary for a man sometimes, but I have faith … and
my faith tells me, the state shall fail. No weapons formed against me shall prosper. So let’s not allow fear to get the best of us, and let’s keep the ball rolling.
Thank you all and God bless
The Realist
Should We Have The Knowledge
Should we have the knowledge of the drugs that are
being used to execute inmates?
I’m going to take you through the steps drug by drug …
# 1. drug number one – Midazolam, is used as a sedative (supposedly), to render an inmate unconscious, but if that’s the case, why are people still trying to rise up?! (Clayton Lockett, Joseph Wood)
# 2. drug number two – Rocuronium Bromide, is used as a paralyzing agent, which sets the tone for disaster, because it covers up all of the excruciating pain being inflicted on an inmate.
# 3. drug number three – Potassium Chloride, is used to back up the first two drugs, and cause immediate death, but “has not yet risen to the standard it was approved for.” The potassium injection is excruciatingly painful. So, there is suffering taken place in the death houses in this country!
My purpose of this article is to educate all of you that didn’t have a clue about the states, and their deceptions, the drugs and the problems they’re causing all over the country, and will be causing in Alabama, if given their way. The suffering continues with each execution, and Alabama wants to get back in the race, as “election season” quickly approaches.
It’s time to stop the murdering in the name of justice.
Take care and be
blessed …
The Realist
Take A Second
Take a second to think, before you say, it’s justice. Take a second to think, before you say, I want closure. Is it really closure, or is it just plain vengeance? Because, if you’re a human being with a heart, you know, that there is no such thing as “simply closure”. “I’m at peace” is what it’s called, but will you truly be at peace because of an inmate on a gurney?! Because, the inmate on the gurney is just another dead person in the eyes of the state. Yeah, the state may call it justice, but it’s truly just another family in grief. So, now your love one, or love ones are gone, and another family’s love one is gone. It may seem right to you at the time, but you’ll still be grieving, when it’s all said and done. To the state, your grief is a powerful motivator for revenge, and a slippery slope they can ride to political offices. Vengeance is not yours, it’s their tool. So, take a second, and thin about it … is it you seeking vengeance, or is it the state? Because, it’s really just more grief for you, and another family.
Take A Second, and
God Bless …
The Realist
They say, I’m a menace
Am I a menace, or a hoodlum …
to the state I am everything, but a child of God.
But, they don’t see the good in me,
they only see the hood in me,
they painted a picture, to show the worst of me
they say, if you let him go, it’ll be a curse to see,
he’s a menace!
His soul can never be replenished!
Just give him a moment, he will be back in it …
let me tell you,
I rebuke that, cause God got my back!!
I’m a changed man, so be a menace to that!!!
(Am I A Menace???)
The Realist
~ Botched Executions ~
Botched executions are some of the most gruesome, horrifying, extremely grotesque things to watch … if, you have a heart. However, people say that, lethal injection is a better alternative. Well, let me break a little bit of information off for you. A lethal injection method consists of 3 drugs that, suppose to put you to sleep, paralyze you, and take your very last breath. However, things aren’t working as they are “supposed to” … leading to more and more botched executions. Instead, what’s happening is … no sleep, partial paralyzation, gagging, gasping, shaking, men trying to sit up, and then – eventual death!! Many have died from botched executions … Just to name a few – Eddie Powell, Clayton Lockett, and Joseph Woods. What a horrible way to die. What will be the new “better alternative”?
The Realist
~ If I Could ~
I wish I could
Reach out and change a life
I wish I could
take back all the things I did in life
I wish I could
end the ways of bead, so there’d only be good
Only if I could
only if I could
that would be so nice
(If I could)
The Realist
Once Again
Once again, the state has made an azz out of
It took the State of Arizona – 1 hour and 58 min. to kill (murder & torture) a man. Really! How can you put forth a method, and it
don’t work the way you intend it to?! Let’s keep it real … How can you have a system, and be careless how it works. All you wanna do is, use inmates as lab rats to try to find better ways of what
you call “up-holding” the law, and having justice for victims families. All I see, is more grief, more pain, and more suffering. Not to mention, the traumatic experiences for the victims and
witnesses, when your experiments fail horribly!
Stop the
and God bless …
The Realist
~ Just Give Thanks ~
Give thanks to the most High,
even when you feel like you about to die.
Even when you wanna cry, just get down and try.
Never hold back, the feeling is deep inside,
and when it comes, you’re feeling the most High.
Give God the thanks, for a wonderful day,
and before you go to sleep, just go to Him and say -
Thanks, for another beautiful and blessed day …
The Realist
~ Another ~
Another time to talk,
Another time to teach,
Another day to walk,
Another day to preach.
Another way to write,
Another way to seek.
Another time has
So together, we must defeat.
The Realist
Keep The Ball Rolling
When the issue is hot, add more fuel to the fire …
so the injustices can burn at their brightest.
All the recent topics that are on the table are being heard, but politicians are still avoiding the
main issues about capital punishment. Oh, they continue putting forth legislation to change the methods of execution, and ideas to locate drugs to murder human beings with, but they’re not
looking into why are the number of innocent people on death rows in this country continuing to grow, or why the number of botched executions are growing with each execution date, or why the
number of reversals in capital convictions has grown greatly!! Noooo, they don’t care about any of that. They don’t care about justice – “real justice”. It doesn’t really matter to them how they
kill, or why they kill, as long as it gets done … besides, it looks good in their campaign video.
In the famous words of Spike Lee … “Do The Right
Thing”. It’s far past the time to stop the madness, no more avoiding the more serious issues surrounding capital punishment.
Thanks, and God
Never back down, even if you are in the legal aspect (or term) intellectually disabled, because you still have some fight in you. The United States Supreme Court has given you all a little hope of redemption. Such as, the Freddie Hall case coming out of Florida, and the many others that line up with that case. If you have such issues in your case, don’t wait to see the outcome of it, don’t hold back or it may and up being too late. The door is open. So, like a car in a high speed chase, that just hit the police spikes … ride the issue until the wheels fall off. Keep the issue hot, and don’t let up until you get’cha issue heard. Keep the ball rolling, and never back down!
What is faith? The bible tells us in Hebrews II verse 1 … Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.
Even though we can’t predict it, through faith it shall be done … annihilated, and obliterated. It’s time to end all the pain and suffering inmates go through for revenge, but in the name of justice. Let’s stand up and fight for all humans rights, and keep hope alive.
I’ll leave you with this … 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 --- We have the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I BELIEVED, AND THEREFORE HAVE I SPOKEN; We also believe, and therefore speak;
End all suffering, end all torture, and last but not least, end the vengeance in the name of God … for “Vengeance is MINE says the LORD!!”
Only time will tell if we can all stand together as one. If, we can keep our feet on the necks of the state, and continue to make the truth crystal clear, about the injustice system Alabama says is right.
How many more fatally botched executions must you have before you decide to do the right thing?! Only time will tell, if we can rise to the top. As one of my favorite songs says … “We started from the bottom, now we here!” Let’s keep fighting, and bring this injustice system riddled with flaws to an end. Let’s stay on top, and not let the state win.
Keep Hope
Who I am, is who you wanna be,
How I am, is how you wanna see,
Does the way I choose my words dictate
how it’s gonna be??
Is how it’s gonna be intriguing,
as it’s gonna be …
As the person that you wanna see,
In the person that you wanna be …
You’ll never be the person you wanna be,
because that person is me …
The Realist
It’s Time
It’s time to get it right,
It’s not time to lay down, it’s time to fight
It’s time to hold ya head high, and let God do the rest.
It’s time to end executions so they can’t take ya last breath.
It’s time to move on to better things,
Stop the killing, and using God’s name, to end victims’ pain
It’s time …. Just DO THE RIGHT THING!!
(It’s time)
The Realist
The System
They say, the system works, and it does, for their intents and purposes … to railroad, and keep underfoot the less fortunate.
When you sentence a man the alleged murderer of 5 people to 25 years, but in the same scenario the judge gave another man the death penalty. How is that fair!? But, they say, the system works.
The state executes a man that had no part of any crime, but once again, the say, the system works.
How can the system – the state calls “justice system” work, when it’s continually having unjust, unfair and unconstitutional sentences and horrible botched executions … but, the system works!
Then, to cover up some of its mistakes, they’ll give a new trial to a wrongfully convicted person, they get found guilty of a lesser charge at the new trial, and the state says, we said it and we mean it, the system works. Yeah, right!!
The Realist
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