Slavery by another name

Well we all know why "The good ole" police klan was formed to catch free blacks under false pretenses of committing criminal acts.

Blacks were then forced under this constitution (the same constitution that doesn't consider us equal or a citizen) to be placed back into slavery only under false pretenses of their laws in which slave owning klan members enact. Blacks and poor whites continue to become slaves under the 13th amendment of this constitution.

The police klan of today are still engaging in slave patrols to imprison as many free blacks as possible, according to their population control / genocide of black men agenda.

The free blacks in society are continually misinformed of the reasons why they are repeated targets of police brutality and systemic oppression.

Nothing is by coincidence.

By way of religion, economic status, politics, etc., is when the free blacks become slaves again. Some continue the slave way of thinking and others after years of confinement mentally become conscious and consider themselves convicts.

Now the convicts are victims of long term mental imprisonment- let's call it slavery, because they lived the same traumatized state day in and day out.

Victims of conditional institutionalization!

The oppressed inmates feel like the convicts are the so called house negro and they (the inmates) are the field negro, still in rebellion to awareness of the struggle because of the psychological trauma they still suffer from slavery.

I like to call the above allegory "Profit over people" when considering mass incarceration. These same individuals upon release from slavery are now both conditioned to the ways of political experimentation which continues to oppressa people with no suppression - this is unusual punishment.

Politicians bias the public against these individuals thru media propaganda and racial discrimination.

The death penalty has always been the punishment to blacks-whether free or imprisoned and its asinine to believe that AMERIKKKA is not a third world country the way their departments (police, prosecutors, judges, etc.) justify injustice.

Like it's said, when you point one finger, its four more pointed back at you AMERIKKKA.

But who really cares, none of this has anything to do with you right? Wrong!

You are just as much part of this problem

*you* who essentially participate in your own holocaust.

Stop holding yourselves hostage mentally!

Justice reform is greatly needed in this country, especially in the upside down south!




Why do you have Equal Justice in your title / name but you fail to fight or argue equal protection in any of the cases on your docket? Is it because there is no media / social popularity involved? There should not be any other state that's first in getting equal justice then in which the issue began. Get out front and be the face in court not in public opinion. Museums and parks sound good and it makes noise, what it's not doing is making this state get in compliance with federal law which governs this country first. No, you would rather show how racist and unequal rights and laws are in this country in a museum not in court. That's no good for those people incarcerated unfairly. How many black and brown people have to die because of racial bias. 

Educating the public is a great thing, what's greater is getting justice for all those incarcerated behind these biased and unfair convictions. 

Instead of fighting to redeem yourself after watching the state of Alabama kill an innocent man, Nathaniel Woods, You embark on a self aggrandizing affair of proportions never seen before using equal justice as a platform. Where is equal justice for Nathaniel woods, Toforest Johnson, Chris Barbour, to name a few. And still EJI files motions and appeals with bare minimum requirements in all filings to courts. 

1901 Constitutional Convention-

Does not have an equal protection clause - deprives of life, liberty, or property without due process of law -

Under this constitution and laws enacted thereafter permits disenfranchising and discrimination of and against Alabama citizens of African descent. 

Previous versions of the Constitution of Alabama 1868 and 1875 included equal protection which afforded equal civil political and public rights and privileges. 

The Constitution of 1901 intentionally took out the equal protection clause, with statements by John B. Knox and others - “all Alabama citizens of African descent” will be disenfranchised through laws - “that duty was to establish white supremacy in the state of Alabama” through the law as quoted below. 

John B. Knox “but if we would have white supremacy, we must establish it by law - not by force or fraud.” “If you teach your boy that it is Right to buy a vote, it is an easy step for him to learn to use money to bribe or corrupt officials or trustees of any class. If you teach your boy that it is right to steal votes, it is an easy step for him to believe that it is right to steal whatever he may need or greatly desire. The results of such an influence will enter every branch of society, it will reach your bank cashier's, and affect positions of trust in every department, it will ultimately enter your courts and affect the administration of justice.” That's just a portion of the language used during this convention. Fast forward to 2024, that thinking and table setting has been established in Alabama actions in the legalities of the laws carried out in the state. Racial bias, yes, class bias, yes. There are no rich folks in prison. Rich folks go to rehab or get probation or get chance after chance. I could give case examples if they were not closed and sealed. I bring all this up for one reason, legal representatives have a responsibility to point out the unconstitutionality of the laws in Alabama. Outside states should not be first in correcting their flaws based on what they see in a museum in Alabama about Alabama. It's sickening and angering that these very lawyers know what's going on and yet do nothing but the bare minimum job requirement. Why??? 

Fear, fear of what could possibly be the blowback when they expose this state to the unlawfulness and hierarchy outline in Knox's statements. Words people, words make it look like Alabama is in compliance with the Constitution of the United States. Actions, and amending of laws have degraded the Constitution to unlawful degrees. Now I'm not a lawyer, but a concerned citizen of the state of Alabama. The words “Constitutional convention shall regulate suffrage so as not to conflict with the federal Constitution and for the best interest of the people and taxpayers of Alabama” - “We pledge ourselves not to deprive any white man in Alabama” with more being said in that vein, the laws since that convention in 1901 has shadowed the sentiments. Now there are poor black and white men and women that are innocent and just sitting behind bars or prison walls because of unlawful laws and rules of court that prohibit them from fair trials or fair charges to begin with. Is this 2024 or 1924, a time when whatever the authority said was fair, was fair, no matter how illegal it may have been. It sure seems that we have regressed back into a time that was not good for women or any man or person of color. Who's doing this, white men of power and influence.