Alabama (Un-)Just Being Alabama
There are three states (Florida, Delaware and Alabama) in which a judge can override a jury, thus making he/she the ultimate decider. Well, the U.S. Supreme Court has said NO (finally) that such a scheme is unconstitutional. A jury’s decision shouldn’t just be treated as a mere recommendation. However, one of these states is not like the others. Following the ruling in the Hurst case (out of Florida), two of the three states mentioned have begun reconstruction projects to “fix” their broken and unconstitutional death penalty schemes, and one of the states remains in denial, and as defiant as ever. That’s right, Alabama!!! Alabama seems to always have to be first, in all the wrong things. The powers that be, seem to revel in it, and the ones always footing the bill for their denials and defiance are the tax payers. The powers that be in Alabama, seem to think that the highest court in the land rulings are just recommendations. So, even after the Hurst ruling, they continue to press forward with capital cases. All the while telling the public that the Hurst ruling does not apply to Alabama, because the death penalty scheme in Alabama has been challenged before, and not ruled unconstitutional. What they aren’t telling the public is, that those challenges were prior to the Hurst ruling. They’re telling the public that, the Hurst ruling won’t affect Alabama because the sentencing schemes in Florida and Alabama differ. Here’s where a little Alabamian is needed to state the obvious … hogwash, boulder dash and poppy cock! In the case (Harris v. Alabama), which the state tries to prove it’s point, that the Florida and Alabama schemes differ, the Alabama Criminal Court of Appeals itself states plainly that “the Alabama death penalty sentencing scheme is based on Florida sentencing scheme”. Justices in the Hurst ruling also acknowledged that Alabama’s scheme is based off of Florida’s. Everyone seems to be acknowledging that fact, but the powers that be in the State of Alabama. Then again, they wouldn’t be Alabama, if they did. Being the leader in all the wrong things is just what Alabama does! So, the State of Alabama in its usual acts of defiance is once again about to put a huge burden on the tax payers. Sooner or later, justice (THE JUSTICES) are going to come calling, and the overzealous death seekers will have to pay the toll for continuing to stand defiant in support of their unconstitutional death penalty scheme.
Three states were addressed in the Hurst ruling … Florida, Delaware, annnnnd ALABAMA!!!
Maximus Strong
Please, explain this to me …
I know this … if, a person tries to acquire illegal drugs he can be, and more than likely will be charged with conspiracy. That’s a federal offense. So, when a governor and his minions try to acquire drugs that are illegal, and they know full well they’re illegal, why aren’t they being charged and prosecuted. Especially, when the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) knows all about it!
What I’m speaking of is just what the governor of Nebraska did. He (Gov. Pete Ricketts) and his minions tried to obtain death drugs from a person in India, which they knew was illegal, for the purpose of trying to carry out state sanctioned murder. Not the FDA stopped this, and they could be commended for doing so, or they could be chided for not doing their full job. See money exchange hands, and that means, some conspiracy charges should have followed. As a matter of fact, the determined governor has hired an attorney (with tax payer money, I’m sure) to either get the money back, or get the drugs. Still no charges have been filed yet!!! Maybe, the laws don’t apply to politicians, and their minions?! Maybe they’ll all above the law?! Maybe, in order to keep the death houses open in the United States you have to break a few laws in the name of justice?! I just don’t know … Maybe, someone can explain this all to me??!
I know this … had you or I tried getting those drugs, us would’ve been arrested, and prosecuted. However, it seems that justice is only blind when it comes to politicians, their minions and the pursuit of state sanctioned murder. Get you an important little abbreviation (GOV, AG, U.S.Sup. Crt. Justice), front of your name, and you can also do illegal things under the guise of justice. Isn’t America <the> beautiful!?
Still, I need someone to explain to me, why those criminals aren’t being arrested, and prosecuted.
Thank you and God Bless
Maximus Strong
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