Alabama has a problem. DOC officers. There are none. Okay, there are a few that's been
employed by the state for years.
Propaganda says they are hiring at a high rate, where are they? No one wants to work in a
volatile environment where they are badly outnumbered, inmate to officer ratio. That's not the
major issue. State of Alabama wants to use nitrogen gas to kill its people. In a redacted report of
the protocol where it doesn't say or no one can see how it will protect those involved in this
murder, only that Alabama will ask the religious advisors to sign a waiver. This is not a protection
waiver, this waiver will cover if/when something goes wrong and multiple people die because of
said gas.
No mention of how to prevent leakage of said gas, which is colorless and odorless. No mention
of the cracks and leaks in the foundation, walls, ceilings of this chamber. Alabama does not
care. It can possibly Kill up to 200 google at one time, who will know. Holman is as unsafe as an
old wooden farm barn.
Alabama has done nothing to make sure its employees are safe from harm. Those involved and
not involved in executions are at risk of injury or death. As long as they can kill with this method
bystanders be damned. That means that DOC officers will come to work and not go home at the
end of their shift. A lack of training, a lack of detection devices, a lack of preparing a chamber or
repairing said chamber.
Safety is not a priority. The priority is killing said condemned inmates, bottom line. No one has
questioned or rebuffed the state on this particular problem. Nor has the state of Alabame said
how it would keep those involved or not, safe from breathing this gas which can cause
numerous problems that may not lead to death but a lifetime of suffering.
The building in which these executions will be held has been damaged by earthquakes and
winds from tornadoes and hurricanes, has been damaged to the point that the DOJ forced the
state to remove inmates yet they still have officers here and are at risk daily and now this added
unknown risk is another example of the state not caring about its employees well being and
safety. Paraphrasing like Hitler is thought to have said about soldiers dying because of contact
or breathing the gas meant for the Jewish in death camps, "Oh well it's meant to be then." This
is how Alabama thinks and it shows in their actions by even proposing this new method of
torture. Breathing black mold, wildew, rat and roach feces on a daily basis, then you ask
employees to breathe a gas nobody knows for certain the lasting effects of.
Safety, Not on Option
M. Williams
How Can This Be
How can this be
As the world can see
There are people proving their innocence
Yet day after day locked in a box, makes no sense
Here we are, after another botched murder
No higher up stopping the next botched massacre
How can this Be
Who's watching this unfold as must see T.V.
Episode of drama and heart break
How much will it take
How many has to die or be close to death
Can you sit while another takes may be the last breath
How can this be
On the eve of 2023
Stuck in a Barbaric furture device
Sume would call it a system of Justice.
Laughable at best as tears fall down the face
Not a smile in place.
How can this Be
How can you not see
How can you not act
How can you turn your back
Cruel Torture, painful odyssey
Real, Here, in America, land of the free
How can this Be
M. Williams
Peace Disturbed
Laying down to rest these dreary eyes
Hard to do in these weary times
It's a struggle to hold on and fight
Soul takes a beating, struggling to stand up right
Mindless zombies carrying on and around you.
Smoke clouds everywhere what are you to do
Takes a strong mind and even stronger will
Weakness at any point can cause a swooping in for the kill
Taken for granted the amenities of freedom
Foolish thoughts mistaken for wisdom
Look around at the neighborhood
Not all is or doing good
Respect was lost at the gate
Years go by as all inside turns to hate
Tired, the fight must go on
Fatigue setting in and you see the Man on the throne
Awaken from this nightmare
Into the light do not stare
Adrenaline Kicks in reopens that raw nerve
Eyes opened, heartbeat racing, no rest, Peace Disturbed…
M. Williams
Let’s Talk About it
Let‘s talk about it. For generations families have dealt with mental illness in a private manner. Meaning, don’t speak about it, just help whomever it may be in the family with whatever they need until they learn and/or adapt to be able to do so much for themselves. In 2022 that ideology doesn’t work, because of the legal system. This broken system sets standards that would have one to believe that mentally ill means non functioning person. No person that can read, write, add, talk, walk, or just function can be deemed mentally ill. This is something that hurts the black and brown community. Being taught and bent to understand that you can, will, do what is needed to do to get by in this country.
Now it’s time to talk about it. Acknowledge this illness. Do something about it. Stop participating in the covering and hiding this away as if it will go away. One must understand that at any time anybody could mistakenly or purposefully cause harm, simply because the tools needed to control these impulse issues, anger issues, the mental stability to understand how to cope in society are missing completely. Yet the system in place is not protecting the mentally ill, this system says if one kills then he or she is not mentally ill, no matter what an expert says or how many tests prove that this person in mentally ill.
It has come time we talk about it before we lose another to state killing.
Marcus Williams
A new year has begun. A new look on the future. A new look at how the death penalty is applied, should be applied, and will be applied in the future. The death penalty itself is in question, which it should have been from the start. The shady police work, the do anything to get a conviction District Attorneys, the overzealous Attorney General’s office, all things are driven by public vote, but they don’t actually listen to the entire voting public. The people they actually work for. Here in Alabama, it’s true the majority of the people still believe in the death penalty. But, as a revenge tool, not justice. The Bible belt, they believe in mercy from God, not man, the belief that God is judge not men. These are the same people you see at church Sunday and Wednesday, and at Bible study, yet these are the people who are bent on a systemic judicial revenge and call it justice.
I know, I will upset some people in places of power and influence. I say to them, the truth will set you free. When you look at the justice system and the death penalty in particular, you will see the inconsistencies within the system. How laws are interpreted by different lawyers and judges. At certain points innocence is not even relevant. Why is that? a person’s innocence should be first and foremost in all cases.
To the public, I leave you with this, don’t sit by and watch innocent people die. You have the voice and power to change the injustice of our judicial system. I encourage you to learn about America’s flawed, and failing justice system, and help to make a difference.
Thank you,
Marcus Williams
I’ve heard this word thrown out on to many occasions by judges and prosecutors. A deterrent to murder is to murder. Where is the logic in that? Furthermore, where it the proof? The murder rate is higher than 10 years ago, 20 years ago, even 30 and 40 years ago. So what exactly is capital punishment deterring? Can’t answer that, ‘cause there is no right answer here. The only thing that deters crime is education. Equal education. That I mean, educating everyone on the same level, suburban schools and inner-city schools and as well private schools. We all know that suburban schools and private schools are predominately white and the rich. While inner-city schools are mostly black and Latino. The inner-city schools are in such disrepair. If you were to actually look at them, you would think that there is no way that an American school would lack like this. Inadequate teachers, crumbling buildings. But politicians, judges, and prosecutors would rather spend billions on a system that is flawed and error filled. When they could easily build and restore schools in these areas. The movie “Lean on me”, showed the world what could be done with the right people involved and caring about education. I say that because it’s based on a true story. I get the feeling that voters don’t care, whatever the politician says is gold. Their schools are not affected. There is a small percentage of people able to vote in the inner-city and less percentage that actually votes. Why that is? Education. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is the deterrent. Not murder.
Thank you,
Marcus Williams
Not as Interested in Justice as They Are in Winning
With all the news surrounding the drug Midazolam, one particular aspect of all this, Glossip is innocent. Yet, the State of Oklahoma is intent on killing him. All the while, the United States Supreme Court will stand by and allow it to happen. How many times has this scenario happened? It is disturbing to think that prosecutors and judges voluntarily look the other way while innocent men and women die at the hands of a state. That is what is happening in our judicial system today. But the Supreme Court would have you believe that because of death penalty opponents has harassed medical and pharmaceutical companies so much that now they won’t sell execution drugs to states. Bait and switch. Distracting from the real problems with capital punishment and justice system as a whole. In the last months there have been several cases here in Alabama that pint to the fact of overzealous district attorneys hell bent on winning rather than justice. When properly investigated there will be more cases with this problem. How can you as a tax paying citizen sit by and let this continue? You have a duty to call out these elected officials on their behavior. You have a born right to fair, unbiased, and just representation in this country, but we do not force these officials to play fair. So here we are, living in fear that what we say publicly will put us in a position have a bulls eye on our backs. Never know, you could be the next one taken from your home, family and put on death row for something you didn’t do. Why, because prosecutors are not interested in justice, they are interested in winning.
You fit the profile.
Thank you,
Marcus Williams
Parents are always saying that they want to or are teaching their kids responsibility. I say, that’s cool, but how about teaching kids to be socially responsible. Why don’t the parents act socially responsible? There are things that’s in a parent’s control if he/she or they really want to make a better future for kids in Alabama. By ending capital punishment, the government will have up to or more than $ 100 million, instead of wanting to cut the budget for education. When parents elect the right politician, they can trust that when it comes down to a choice of educate the children or killing a death row inmate, the right choice is education. As it stands now, politicians don’t care that a broken system of justice is draining tax payer pockets. The state is having to do backdoor deals for drugs at an inflated price. Paying for the right to use those illegal drugs, paying for the right to execute period and they get it wrong, execute an innocent man. This year alone there have been a few, and because of good work by their team of lawyers, innocent men are now free. Not because the DA or AG owned up to wrong doing.
In closing I say to the parents of Alabama’s future, it’s time you become responsible for your child’s future.
Thank you,
Marcus Williams
It seems this country is in transition. Transforming the way it thinks on most issues. Laws are changing to follow the outcry of the public. At the same time, when it comes to the death penalty nothing has changed. Why is that? Could it be the social economic situation of those on death row across the country? Could it be racial? Could be just as it is, the taste of revenge is sweeter than real justice?
The transition for capital punishment will be forced. Why? Pharmaceutical companies are being pressed to do the same. The FDA and other governmental agencies are finally doing their jobs, stopping illegal drugs from coming into these states. Drugs, that are possibly old, contaminated, or not even drugs at all. Almost half this country has realized that capital punishment is a burden financially, morally, and justly. Too many innocent men are being set free after 20 and 30 years of being locked away for crimes they didn’t commit. These are small facts about this system’s flaws, but Attorney General will have you believe the system works. How it that? It shouldn’t take half or 3 quarters of a person’s life for you or them to realize a person is innocent. Then on top of that, Attorney Generals and County District Attorneys refuse to acknowledge that the wrong man was arrested and convicted. Where is the justice in that? The fact is, they should be charged with attempted murder, if that started happening, I can pretty much guarantee, the system would be closer to being fair for everyone. Still wouldn’t be completely honest, you have some that will still do wrong to get that convictions. That will never happen, they are above the law. At least, that’s the perception. We are optimistic but real, some of these death states will fight to the end to keep capital punishment. During this fight and transition, we ask for your support. We ask for continued pressure on the government officials. Implore to finally do away with this barbaric practice.
Thank you,
Marcus Williams
Act of Forgiveness
In recent weeks there has been a mumbling of racial strife and stress in the south that is being talked about nationwide. The murders in South Carolina and following that, the rash of church burnings, all believed to be racially motivated. This all led me to think about forgiveness. What it means to victims’ families? What it means to the family of the perpetrator and the perpetrator himself or herself? What it means for the community? How does one heal the most painful hurt? All these things came into my mind. I’m not an all day, every day, shout from the roof top Christian, but I do believe in the power of Christ. So, that led me to my final question. How does forgiveness affect the legal side of a case like this or any case for that matter?
Forgive, to give up resentment of and/or pardon, absolve, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Even though I know what it means as most of you, but I needed to reassure myself and not speak out of turn.
From the beginning, the Governor of South Carolina called for the death penalty. Truthfully, if we are to have capital punishment, these type of crimes are the reason for it. I say that as I sit on death row with clear thinking and rationale. That’s where my confusion comes in, but that’s a conversation for another day. Immediately following that, family member after family member forgave this young man. All doing this with no malice or hesitation. I’ve come to understand that after forgiving someone with your whole heart, there is a peace, a calming affect that comes over the mind and body.
There are no more worries or stressing over what happens next. It’s all in God’s hands, for He is the one true judge in this instance or any other. I’ve noticed in the last few weeks since, the talk of capital punishment for this young man has quieted down. Not saying that prosecutor won’t pursue a capital conviction, just saying there is not a public outcry or political maneuvering right now on that topic. It is still early in the process and we have to wait and see.
The point is, the prosecuting attorneys always say they are seeking justice for families, I disagree with that, again another conversation reserved for later. So, when a family says I forgive you, but the DA has an agenda, who wins? When a family I forced to relive that pain for twenty or thirty years, who wins? That DA, is gone, moved on to a judgeship or something else, the next person from that district takes the case and/or attorney general handles the case, the only people constantly suffering are the families. Every time a ruling happens, motion filed, the changing of ways to legally murder, the family is notified. A constantly reminder of what happened to their loved one. This happens a few times a year, no time for a family to heal. Who wins? Now, if the state of South Carolina follows the hears of the family, sends this young man away for the rest of his life the appeal process is a lot less financial and the family won’t be reminded several times a year.
The benefits of forgiveness are beneficial for both family and state. So, that is the push needed to get across to those who think killing is the answer to all, not realizing, that mostly, that’s the reason a lot of people are on death row.
Thank you.
Marcus Williams
The message is loud and clear. Before I began, I understand that we are a group that brings attention to the death penalty in America, particularly Alabama. I feel that it is important to have you, the reader, understand that all the biasness in this country is relative.
Which brings me to my words to you today. Recently the First Lady Michelle Obama gave a commencement speech at a predominately black university. An informative speech that touched on the nature of the country today. Afterwards, the white media decided that this was wrong of her, we have no problems of the racial nature, these so called educated people will have you believe. One mouth piece, yes mouth piece, not journalist, had the nerve to day she was playing the race card and that her words would bead to racial strife. I ask, where has this person been lately. Notice there haven’t been many executions in the last few years, but law enforcement, mostly white, has been killing, mostly blacks, on the street. No trial, no jury, no judge. On top of that, getting away with it. No justice, just execution. Now, when a white woman speaks of the inequality in the world toward women, nothing is said. But, let a black woman speak on the inequality toward black people, she’s ridiculed.
I say this to bring awareness as to how the media plays a role in injustice in this country. Once people understand that with peace and fairness, there is no news or anything to feed the angry white man. Why is it that they are angry anyway? Question for another day.
I get it though, people of color are considered sub-standard human beings, second class citizens. To keep them out of the “inner circle”. False imprisonment, false charges and convictions so they can’t vote. False propaganda, to show that they are illiterate and violent. If you were to break down the numbers by race in America, it will show that approximately 80 % of whites prefer to keep the death penalty, approx. 30 % of blacks and other people of color would also prefer the death penalty, but with various degrees of the crime committed. In other words, those 30 % of black people would want mass murders, children murders, and terrorist to die by the method being used. My point is, that once you look closer you can see the differences in how race plays a role in the justice system, media and every aspect of this country.
In closing, I ask that you, the reader, know the history and cause for a person spending 30 years of their life behind bars, waiting to die. Spread the word and let’s put an end to the unfair practices of “Law abiding citizens” that call themselves America’s voice, and put an end to capital punishment, over sentencing, false imprisonment and all racial bias in this country and the world.
Marcus Williams
April has turned out to be a good month for the cause to end capital punishment. Here in Alabama two (2) men were released to the streets after spending years on death row. While more guys wait for their new trials or exonerations, it is evident to me that prosecutors will never admit that mistakes were made and the wrong people were tried and convicted and spent way too long waiting for justice.
I opened with that paragraph, because it’s not just in Alabama that injustice is the main reason to end this barbaric practice. In Louisiana, a guy spent 30 years on death row only to be released and find out he has stage 4 cancer, possibly die in months after his release: Life gone. Freedom denied. Why is there not anyone pissed off about this?
I’ve been silent for the last couple of months, because people are being silent. When we stand and fight and present evidence as to why everyone that’s pro-life, pro-justice, should stand and fight with us, it appears no one cares. None have written the state legislators or senators or the Federal Government. Makes me sad, but makes me want to shout and fight that much harder. Truly, it’s frustrating when our good friends of the European Nations stand up for us, but where are the people in the United States of America?! I’m directing this at you, then things are taking place in your own backyard. You should be outraged at the miscarriage of justice on every level, not just capital punishment.
Killing people in the streets, cops are doing things like this. Putting forth false evidence, knowingly, prosecutors are doing this. Encouraging on blackmailing witnesses to lie under oath, the people you voted for are carrying out legalized injustice. Attorney Generals are arguing those lies as truths, even when the real evidence is put in front of them. Judges sit up on their thrones casting judgment knowing what’s before them is wrong and unjust, but all they say is “we are following the law of court procedure”. I ask, whose court procedure? Answer: the rich. See a poor man/woman can’t afford to pay any defense counsel to put the holes in prosecution cases. A guilty rich man/woman has that ability to pay for freedom. So freedom does cost, but does justice? Ask yourself, why is it that there are no rich people on death row?? That’s another issue for another day.
To those of you fighting for equal justice and to end this practice of killing, I thank you and keep fighting. This too shall end. To those of you who support legalized killing, I pray for you. What you are supporting is redundant and an unnecessary waste of tax payer money. But I get it, revenge is sweet. Educating the next generation suffers because of it.
Thank you and keep hope alive!
End Capital Punishment!
Marcus Williams
~ Making Headway ~
On bended knees I pray
Wishing for good
things and better days
As I close my eyes to
Dreaming of a life that’s not out of
Wanting to reach for the
Realize this life is
Waking to bright morning sun that
Not knowing what this day may
Living is not the same
Going thru the motions of my memory’s
Making a decision to be
Deciding to not be
In this life there are choices to be
Forks in the road, temptations over time will
Learning from mistakes of the
Going forward hoping to make truth
My truth, your truth, our truth shall rise
above all
What’s inside will shine bright as we
stand tall
As day turn to
Looking ahead on tomorrow there is
Looking back on the day, did I change
someone’s life for the better
Being bold in actions,
yes, they shall speak louder than words could ever
Falling to bended knees, praying for little, hoping for much
Closed eyes seeing the people touched
In this life things can be deceptive
It all depends on each person’s perception
Sleep, for tomorrow is a new day
To reach others in a new way …
Marcus Williams
- Oppose Death -
“It takes balls to execute an innocent man”
That’s an actual quote recently made by a primary Republican voter, in answer to questions that point to the fact that Gov. Rick Perry of Texas executed an innocent man. The sad thing is that almost all Republicans feel this very way. Those that don’t, aren’t for the death penalty, and that number is so small they wouldn’t make a ripple in a small pond. If that is what the State of Texas and the rest of America feels about innocent people being executed, we are in deep here, folks.
The media doesn’t seem to care about innocent men either. If not for small media outlets there would be no news about the hundreds of men being released from death row amid reports and facts of prosecutorial misconduct, jury misconduct, false testimony by witnesses and jailhouse snitches, false and misleading evidence gathered by questionable and shoddy police worked, but they will report on the new look of a politicians glasses and his so called “charm”. Well folks, that charming fellow killed an innocent man, and it’s not the first! And like every other politician that realized a mistake was made, instead of fessing up and apologizing about the matter, he chose to cover it up by eventually firing everyone he could in the office of forensics, basically because they didn’t fall in line. Again the national media failed to report this the way they reported the crime when it happened.
I write with the purpose of shining light on all that is wrong with the death penalty. I realize that we have a small voice in this fight, but a combined effort can turn this small voice into a roar! Which is specially needed in the State of Alabama. There have been several overturned cases in 2014, but the public doesn’t hear about them. That’s not counting the innocent men that has gone home from death row, media outlets within the state, it seems won’t touch these stories, why is that? When they are quick to deem the arrested man a curse against humanity and every other adjective to describe how they feel about the defendant. Now, when those defendants finally prove their innocence, no mention, no apology, nothing!
Takes me back to the topic at hand, “It takes balls –“. Well, I guess it takes balls to follow this train of thought and it appears that local and national media has balls also. So, I guess it is up to us to become “ball busters” and fight to stop this top to bottom barbaric system of justice!
Ballbuster #1
Marcus Williams
When will the United States government arrest state
by state governors, prison commissioners, wardens and Department of Corrections officers? Never! They are purchasing execution drugs the same way a street dealer would get his drugs. A code of
silence is understood on the streets and as it seems, with the government also. Buy drugs from the biggest supplier, import them in using dummy corporations (fake pharmaceutical companies) and
distribute to smaller factions to be cut (diluted) and packaged for sale. All this is done in secret, even with midnight runners (DOC officers) to purchase these drugs. What makes politicians
different than your drug king pin, street pusher? Besides the, or the, oh and the, well nothing. They both kill to show their power, they both are untouchable, they both have connections that
reach the White House, they both rely on others keeping their mouth shut.
One could say, it’s easy for me to sit and criticize what government
officials do in the name of justice. Well king pins donate millions to charities and churches and rebuilds communities so does that mean their illegal activity is justified also. If, there are
people in power being allowed to circumvent the laws for their own gain whether that’s political or financial, why have laws and rules in the first place. This is not a rant by someone uneducated
about the law or by someone that’s off in his head. I’m a very think first problem solver who looks at all the angles before I give my opinions and assumptions. These same two sets of criminals
are getting away with murder by the use of drugs illegally obtained, manufactured and distributed. One kills with guns, the other a needle.
I want
people of the world to know that while America sits up on its thrown casting sanctions and starting wars over whatever the daily disagreement is, they are doing the same things that the countries
they are in battle with are doing. In other words, we are better than you, we know better than you, so do as we say, not as we do. The United Nations should once and for all sanction the U.S. for
violating human decency and treatment laws. Sanction them for having a death penalty that is unfair, unjust and inhumane.
I want to urge you that
reads this and you are an American citizen, you have the power to encourage your state congressmen and women to change this policy. All it takes is one vote. This is where change will happen. You
can start the conversation and build the out pouring of discontentment with your political leaders. I’ve given one, only one comparison of what your government looks like when they think no one
is watching. So, let’s stop this criminal activity with people power.
Marcus Williams
Oppose Death
“Bottom To The Top”
1) Watchdog report faults FBI lab probe – Associated
2) Inspector General’s report – Associated Press – see Arbitrariness and Innocence
3) C. Steiker and J. Steiker – “Lessons for law reform from the American experiment with capital
punishment” – see Law Reform and Arbitrariness
4) C. McDaniel – “Citing mental health concerns, federal judge
stays Missouri execution” – see Innocence and Mental Illness
All the above references can be found at DPIC (Death Penalty
Information Center).
There needs to be a cleaning of house type of Moratorium on the Death Penalty. That way, people can see the dirty and dusty spots in this system. Then,
let the public decide if they wish to continue this vengeful act of justice. All the references above will show how faulty and unfair capital punishment really is. I implore you to read for
yourself and make that decision to push for change.
Marcus Williams
To make sense of the senseless in
Why not defend the
A man or a woman with
no voice
Man’s decision to kill
not God’s choice
Brain waves
For so long we have
Finding someone to speak on
our behalf
Some find it funny,
but we’re not trying to make you laugh
Our words speak truth
A truth people in power wants to hide from you
They are not killing for justice
Blood thirst is an act of vengeance
Like a vampire soaking the life away thru a vein of blood burst
My words are filled with pain
Tear stained cheeks like sidewalks from a hot
Reaching for your
Hoping you will play your
Stand up with us and
Make this wrong
It’s time, shine light on
that is in mode stealth
Stand up
Marcus Williams
Looking Ahead:
We sit still as the world continues to move and spin. Why? Life will continue to happen, whether or not we get up and do something. We say, get up and get involved in the fight to stop unfair justice and barbaric practices of Government sanctioned killing, It’s easy for me to say that, for it’s my life and thousands of others I’m speaking for. I want you to think about the stories you’ve heard from neighbors, or people at the local watering hole, about the injustice of the judicial system that railroaded a friend or family member. I want you to think about how the police, the district attorney, the judge even, overlooked or just disregarded key evidence just to secure arrest and convictions. Think about the stories of forced confessions, coerced confessions, unreliable witnesses, deals for witnesses, these things happen every day, everywhere. That’s why this system is broken and can’t be fixed with speeding up appeals and manufacturing illegal drugs to put someone to death, these are band aids on wounds that will not heal without major surgery. Our judicial system needs major surgery. If you don’t want to fight for me, fight for yourself. Never know, might find yourself on this side wondering who is gonna help you fight a system that’s got all the power. Don’t get caught sitting still, watching the world go by. Look ahead at every possibility and make changes that will effect you and those you love and care about. Sometimes looking ahead can save the lives of those closest to you.
Thank you
Marcus Williams
Lack of Education
I have often spoken of the education crisis in Alabama and the country as a whole. It seems that no one in Alabama is listening to the thousands of inmates in the state. It’s not their voices I’m speaking of, it’s their voice spoken through the statistics that show close to 80 % don’t have a high school diploma upon arrests. Most barely made it into high school. Not because they couldn’t learn, because there is a lack of teachers to motivate and teach kids skills they need to become a success in society. Then, there is a lack of teachers, period. The state says they don’t have the funds to better the educational system, but they have funds to issue raises for politicians, find funds to back plans to shorten appeals for death row inmates. It seems that, they care more about killing, than teaching the youth. It’s not a guarantee, but it is more likely that, a well educated individual will follow laws and be a productive citizen in this state. Logic tells me that, smart people don’t do dumb things. Let’s look at the kids that come from impoverished circumstances, motivated and guided by a teacher they become great and productive members of society. If every school system worked like the private schools of this country we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
We are, and so in Alabama, the Governor is running for re-election on the premise of not bowing to Pres. Obama and the federal government, to the detriment of the lower middle class and lover class citizens of this state. With the unemployment higher than the national average, there will be a higher number of crime. Another platform the politicians can run on, “we are tough on crime”. If you were to put effort and funds into hiring quality teachers and more like them, your return will be less unemployed citizens, more tax paying citizens, which leads to more funds to fix what needs fixing.
Education leads to less crime, less prison space, less money spent on securing those inmates already incarcerated. Education means, less people you have to spend money on to prosecute for capital crime. That’s too much like the right thing to do. It feels like the government needs things to be chaotic, so they say, it’s under control and when something gets done the claim victor. No matter how small the victory. In Alabama there are over 4 million citizens within the state, and over 150,000 that are incarcerated, or on probation/parole, and over 200 on death row, and another 10,000 or so awaiting trials across the state. My objective is to show that, doing away with capital punishment in the end will be more productive, for educating its youth. The money spent on killing should go to saving underprivileged lives. People of Alabama it is time to stand u and stop this waste of tax payer money. Put that money where it belongs, in education. Lack of education leads to lack of respect of the law and here we are.
Marcus Williams
Oppose Death Penalty
Secede: South Rises Again
I am always amazed at the amount of hatred, discontent, biasness and just the amount of dislike one group of people can have toward another group of people. It can be said that, this idea of seceding is a racial one, but it is much deeper than that, even though the idea comes from southern whites. The mere thought that, a section of this country can say, “I don’t want to be part of a democratic system that is being fair to all people”, tells me that in 2014 nothing has really changed since the end of the Civil War. The poor are subjected to the worst schools in the country, the worst medical care, the most taxed, the most likely to be thrown away as useless by the judicial system. What has the South done without the government helping in some way? Nothing!!! In fact, it can be said that, it’s worse, because of stubborn and corrupt politicians. Can we be honest with ourselves for a moment. There is still the thought of “it’s not in my neighborhood, so I’m not worried”, speaking of drugs, murder and other violent crimes that lead one to death row.
The purpose I am writing these thoughts for, I want people to better understand the mindset of the South. Just the audacity of some people to think that, the South is better off separating from the United States, tells the story without telling the story. I am doing my part to inform you that, this must be stopped. As well as capital punishment. There is no room for it in modern day society. If, we are not careful things like this, seceding idea, will take root and grow into something that can’t be stopped. As with capital punishment, it has now grown into something, by most people standards, a necessity to deter violent crime. The 60 % that still believe in capital punishment are filled with revenge. The Governor of Texas said it best “Come to Texas, we won’t take away capital punishment”, he may have been speaking for Texas, but it’s a representation of how the whole South feels.
One would think that in the year 2014 people would be wiser and more got to inclusion and fairness. I see that is not the case, and it puts us all in a situation that we cannot ignore anymore. So, I encourage you to talk to your neighbors, go help someone in need, and most importantly speak to your state, and federal legislators before it’s too late. There secessionists want to instill a certain fear into people, so they will vote for certain politicians. With fear they can direct issues they favor, in their favor. Fear, hast led the debate dealing with capital punishment since its conception. In return, we are living in a more violent era of time. So, I ask you, the voter, the public, who has gained a peace of mind, or a feeling of safety? Fear has blinded many to the truth. Just as seceding will bankrupt the South, the death penalty will also bankrupt the states with the death penalty. That’s the truth. We have provided you with information, stats and money figures that show this form of punishment is costly, inhumane, and not a deterrent in this modern day society. To those of you who believe that secession is needed, I’ll tell you what you say under your breath, and in the privacy of your home, to the African-Americans, “go back to your mother country if you don’t like it here in the great U.S. of A.” In order to move forward we have to stop looking backwards. That means, stopping all barbaric acts of punishment.
Marcus Williams
Oppose Death Penalty
Repeating Past Acts
The last resort for states that have capital punishment, once their drugs of choice run out, is to go backwards and use methods they know are cruel and unusual. Example: firing squad, gas chamber, electrocution. They are willing to do this with the knowledge that these acts are inhumane. So, I say, let’s open up the public viewing aspect of the old ways. Go to the town square and invite all to watch justice being served. If that was done, within minutes there would be outrage over an act so heinous that, the crime committed would be overlooked, because no one deserves to die a gruesome death. Lethal injection was supposed to be the most humane way of killing someone, but that has shown lately there is no humane way to kill. Since the beginning, there has been problems with lethal injection executions, but it was done with such secrecy that these facts never same to public knowledge on this scale. So, as a way to scare voters, and abolition minded politicians, it is said, either we end the death penalty, or kill in a way that’s unconstitutional. To the public they hear, prisoners go free or die by any means necessary. Fear causes us to choose by any means necessary. Then, in secret they come up with ways to distract and hide facts of these issues.
All that shows is, how blood thirsty politicians really are. They want the public to believe that, capital punishment is a necessary evil. Truth is, life without the possible chance of parole serves every purpose needed. States spend less money on appeals, less money on housing and feeding and less money on security. That truth is hidden, because revenge is sweeter than true justice. Now, here we are at the brink of repeating past acts.
Oppose Death
Marcus Williams
Unfair From the Start
At the time of arrest you are guaranteed adequate defense counsel. The constitution guarantees fair trials. If found guilty, the constitution guarantees that, you will receive a fair punishment. What happens when those first two guarantees have failed? A person must fight to prove that he or she was inadequately represented and the trial was unfair, at the same time he or she must show that he or she is innocent or the outcome would be different. In other words, on appeal we are being asked to think for another human being. With all the rules in place so one can have a fair trial, there still seems to be a disconnect between state and federal courts concerning which rules to follow, In such cases, the federal court will follow the state’s lead, even though at trial the defendant was without adequate counsel, and push the appeal through. Again, denying you a fair chance at justice.
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. If we are to follow that guideline, whenever there is a question of inadequate counsel, shady evidence, witness’ not sure of themselves, evidence missing, that case should go back to trial, right?! That’s not the situation we have in the U.S.A., we left having to prove innocence at trial, and on appeal. Whenever you don’t follow a certain procedural protocol, your appeal is denied altogether. On the other hand, the prosecutor can skip and add whatever they please knowing the incompetent defense lawyer will not challenge. I ask, how can you have a fair trial and fair justice when it’s unfair from the start? There are a lot of things that need to be done to ensure that innocent people are not taken away from their families and the guilty get a fair trial. Primarily go to the beginning – law school – correct bad habits before they start.
Oppose Death
Marcus Williams
Hide and Seek
The closer we get to abolishing the death penalty in the United States of America, the more the justice system tries to hide. Whether it’s new laws to speed up appeals, or closed door votes by politicians to keep secret the protocol and drugs used in executions. They have forgotten the constitutional rights of its citizens. How are we to fight n enemy we can’t see? That’s the question everyone should be asking. Guilty or innocent the rights of the constitution are there to protect you from the dishonest people in power. We are learning, there are ways around the constitution, so it seems, when it hinders prosecutors ability to get and keep a conviction on record. Now, they are going above and beyond the scope of the law to keep secret the details of drugs used in executions, the companies that make these drugs, the people involved in carrying out executions, and the process in which executions happen. When defense attorneys seek the information, they are told that the information is confidential, not open to the public. I thought this was a democracy founded upon the notion that court proceedings were open to the public, what has changed? While defense attorneys struggle to fight on our behalf, with 1/5 of the money available to prosecutors, they still want to hide so they can carry out these acts of murder under the cloak of justice being served. Has it stopped murders from happening – NO – has it deterred murders in this country – NO – what it has done is given district attorneys the right to pick and choose whom they prosecute under the capital punishment laws. You ask – what does this mean for me – the answer is simple – stop allowing politicians to control how we are to read and understand the laws. The alternative – they will start to play hide and seek with your life next.
Oppose Death
Marcus Williams
How Many is Too Many?
Good day friends and to those that disagree with our purpose, greeting to you also. I start this out with a moment of silence for Clayton Lockett of Oklahoma. He was recently killed by the State of Oklahoma after years of fighting the system. For the very reasons that are to blame for his murder … cruel and unusual punishment. We have claimed that, there is no humane way to kill people for years, but no one wants to listen. Will you listen, now? Lockett is not the first to die a painful and cruel death at the hands of the state, there are plenty more, dating back to the earliest recorded execution up to this point. Just too many to count or name. So, how many is too many? When do we as a people stand up and say, enough of this organized killing?
Now, we have the most sympathy for the families of crime victims. No way are we saying that killers should not be punished. We are saying, there is a better way. There will NEVER be a perfect judicial system nor, a perfect execution protocol. So, there should not be a death penalty. There is too much room for human error – example, the botched execution of Clayton Lockett.
The supporters of the death penalty always claim that, it’s justice not revenge they are after. Why is it then that the state will spend money, a lot of money, to keep a person alive just so they can kill them? Those same supporters claim to not want their tax money wasted, well sorry to tell you, your money is being wasted on the death penalty. For every one person tried and killed by execution you can try to convict and sentence 5 other people to life or life without parole for the same cost. Better still, for the same amount of money we could pay college tuition for over 12 students per one execution. See, the eyes of revenge are blind to plausible solutions that can help the public. Capital punishment hinders all that. This is not the justice of a modern day society. When is it enough? How many more people must suffer a cruel death before people stand up and say STOP IT!!!
Marcus Williams
Oppose Death Penalty
Move Forward Not Back
Recently some states have been in a panic. They are running out execution drugs and compound companies that were selling drugs to these states for the purpose of executions, are not willing to sell them anymore. Now, the talk in some of these states is that, they should go back to using the electric chair. When the talk should be about abolishing this barbaric act, and finding a fair way of punishing the guilty. Instead, they want to find a way to shorten the appeals for death row inmates. Legislatures in some of these states fail to realize or purposely close their eyes to the fact that, this current system is so flawed that it takes years to find out the truth in a lot of cases. Corruption and political agendas have taken this country to a place that the founders had not visioned. On second thought, maybe they did. Think about it, they owned slaves, pushed the Natives off their land and created laws that were biased toward slaves and Natives. So, maybe this is the way they wanted things to happen. It’s a sad time if this country cannot stop this move in reverse.
Another show of reversal, all the southern states have the death penalty while the majority of the northern states do not. That divide reminds me of, “the why”, for the civil war. Did we not learn anything from that era. You cannot have a country in harmony when a portion of our citizens are displaced and being killed by a Government that is flawed and justice is corrupt and greedy. Who is being sent to death, the poor, the unwanted. Some innocent, because state attorneys refuse to see the injustice being done in the name of Lady Liberty. So many things are happening that mirror those days past. To bring it full circle, one senator in one southern state commented that, hanging should come back if we don’t have drugs for lethal injection executions. That tells me, and it should also tell you that, we haven’t moved forward enough!
That is a disappointing fact in my lifetime that, the ancient thinking of those in power are willing to revert back to lynching in order to get rid of the people you don’t like or care for. Wonder why the world hates this country. Not to get off subject, the capital punishment statute was a tool established in 1712 after a slave revolt, to control a race of people. The same could be said for today, 300 yrs later. It’s still a tool used as a fear tactic for a race of people. 90 % of people on death row across America are here because their victims were white. If this was a truly fair system that percentage would not be so high. There are more blacks and browns dying in the streets than those numbers show. That old attitude of blacks and browns life is not worth that of a white, where is the equality in that. Until the system is fair, it will never be perfect, this country needs to stop sanctioned murder. Not because there are no drugs, or electrocution is cruel and unconstitutional, but because it’s time to do what’s right, finally, for EVERY citizen of this country. Plus, numbers are there for lawmakers to do what the voters are asking for, when given options that included life in prison without parole, life with parole, life without parole + restitution, and death penalty – only 33 % said death penalty, 61 % said any of the other 3 options and 6 % had no opinion. These numbers say a lot, the next generation is ready for change, moving forward, away from these barbaric ways of punishment. Also, they say that they are tired of the greed, corruption, and political agenda that prolong the time these politicians serve in office.
In closing, than you to all who follow and support us in our effort to educate the public and push for abolishing the death penalty across the world.
Marcus Williams
Wake Up
The sun rises in the east
Eyes open from darkness of sleep
As it should from day to day after a night’s rest
For some open eyes are still clouded in darkness
The mind is wake and working
Brushing off images of who’s twerking
As you walk thru the haze of life
It is never clear what is wrong or what is right
Sleep walking thru the decisions made in your name
Don’t let life happen without your say
Who am I to alert
One day they will cover me with dirt
The same dirt they kick in your face
With lies about all the things that can decide our fate
Let knowledge wake you, open eyes see all
Open minds, haze lifted could be all
Blinded sight, blinded thoughts
Keeps the snakes from being caught
A message to the world in a crowded arena
This new thing called social media
Another distraction
But you are ask to focus on a call to action
As the sun sets in the west
Ones speaking for you are not the best
Stop, realize the world around you is not made up
Hollywood may be the last stop for the sun, this is real so wake up …
Marcus Williams
Always OPPOSE Death
Moment to moment my mind wanders to this or that. Imagining things from the past to things in the future. Politicians, law makers want you to believe that I am worthless, cruel, mean, unredeemable. I am here to tell you that I was never any of those things. With no proof to prove that I was a such person, I was told I would die at the hands of an unnamed face and product that’s untested in any medical field. Why is it that prosecutors and politicians can lie about a man’s life and no one can call them on it? I would never be rich but I was well on the way to being a productive person in this society, with records to prove it. Just think, I helped pay the salaries of the same people who called ma an unredeemable monster. Am I angry? At first I was, then my religious upbringing took place in my heart and mind. I forgave because they couldn’t have understood the words they spoke. Now I smile in the face of adversity.
This just a snippet of a look of one person on death row, there are plenty others here and across this country with similar stories. Let’s band together and stop this practice of executing. The power is in the vote. Elect people who will fight for your beliefs and moral standing. Young people, YOU DO HAVE A VOICE, the majority of you believe that any kind of killing is wrong. I encourage you to use your VOICE, VOTE. The world’s future is in your hand. You never know, this could easily be you sitting in my place. So let’s stop unfair practices by prosecutors, judges and politicians. No matter the crime or situation, we are human and have rights that constantly and consistedly have been violated. Do you care? Show the world that you do. OPPOSE death.
Thank you.
Marcus Williams
Dear Reader,
I have two things that weigh heavy on my heart. Mainly because I’m confused and hopefully you can help me to understand.
The first thing, if states are buying and making illegal compound drugs used in executions, why can’t they be arrested? If a local street drug dealer can be arrested then, so should politicians and those who facilitate these transactions. The message is clear, politicians are above the law. Now tell me, where is the fairness in that.
Second thing is critical to my sanity. At one time in my life I believed in the death penalty for those killers with multiple bodies and the killing of children. Also, I don’t condone abortion. I know, it’s a woman’s right to choose. My dilemma, how can I condone killing an adult and not condone the killing of an unformed fetus. This is my question to the U.S. government as well as the state governments. Killing is killing, no matter the stage of life. I have come to realize that I am against the killing of any kind but ladies what you do with your bodies is between you and God. I have no opinion on that anymore. It’s best if more men did the same. For you politicians, it’s time to end the death penalty. It’s not cost efficient and it’s only talked about publicly during election years and we know why that is. Mistakes have been made, mistakes are being made by insufficient defense attorneys and dirty prosecutors looking to score another conviction. This age old notion that families only want justice and that justice is death, is not true, more and more people are being brave in saying no to this barbaric method of justice. In truth it’s nothing but an act of vengeance.
People out there help me understand, how one can stand for one thing and not the other, when in essence they are one and the same.
Marcus Williams
First I would like to congratulate the Governor of Washington for having the courage to not execute anyone until the capital punishment legal system is thoroughly looked at his state. Also, congratulations to the politicians in Kentucky, Rep. David Floyd CRJ and Senator Gerald Neal (D) for getting thru the first step in a long process to abolish the death penalty. Lastly, Louisiana finally got it right after 30 years. Man on death row found to be innocent – March 12, 2014.
Shame on you Alabama, Tennessee, Kansas, California, Florida and Missouri for attempting to speed up a broken capital punishment system. You say you work for the people, well the people didn’t ask you to execute innocent people. They did not ask you to waste taxpayer money on adding to a broken judicial system. The people didn’t ask you to take away from education, so you can give yourself a raise and cut teacher pay. The people want you to do the right thing, quit executing foreign nationals, the mentally ill (TX and FL) and most importantly the INNOCENT.
But, I get it though, you want to appear tough on crime, by any means necessary. While you are shrugging your shoulders and saying so well and on to the next one, it’s a family, no, two families now suffering because of your blood thirsty ways. I ask you, the politician, the lawmaker, do you care that you have committed murder? It doesn’t matter that it is sanctioned by the state, it’s murder. Until you put money back into education, murderers (states) will continue to breed murderers (inmates).
In the past I’ve harped on race themes and poor versus the rich, there is a reason for that. Look at the history of the world, no matter where you are from, you will see how bias the systems are, social and legal.
I know that is something we don’t want to acknowledge, the thing is we have to. We can’t fix what is broken without working on it. In 2014 we have yet to work on it. So, now it’s a problem. My thoughts for this week were to commend those who are working to right the wrongs of a broken justice system. Thank you for your diligence and dedication.
Until next week,
Marcus Williams
Equal Justice Under The Law
That is what it says on the front of the United States Supreme Court building. Big and bold for all those that enter to see. The thought and idea seems to be the right thing but the carrying out of equal justice seems to be missing. Where did justice go wrong? From the beginning, the laws of this country were written with biasness understood and wanted. The authors of these laws had the understanding that white is right and men were the head. So that says the Native Americans, Mexicans, Africans and any other none White, these laws are not meant for you but if you break any of these laws you will be hanged, shot or cast away forever. That hought philosophy has carried thru this present day. Given, there has been amendments to those laws and laws have been added due to the change of the times. These laws are still written with loop holes that allow lawyers with rich defendants to slip through. Now in 2014 we have a system that caters to the rich and white. So I ask, you the people of the world, what is the state of the American justice system? Is there a such thing as Equal Justice Under the Law? In death penalty states there is a disparage amount of money being spent by prosecutors. Where the counsel for defendants gets so little money that the defense case suffers because of it. No equality there. When race plays a part (i.e. black or non white defendant vs white victim), for a large percentage of the time the defendant will be found guilty and a large sentence will be handed down. In reverse, these cases in which the defendant is white, the ending tends to lead toward a not guilty verdict, if the defendant is found guilty the sentence would be a lot less than the maximum. No equality there. There are many grievances that one may have against the justice system. My question for all to ponder, what are you going to do to change this unfair system? Equal Justice Under the Law?
Marcus Williams
The articles you have read, came from a place of frustration. I say frustration because we see how the American judicial system truly works. Whether it is along racial lines or prosecutors abuse power for personal and professional gain. We don’t have access to all the facts and numbers that you all won’t like to see and to bolster our claims. For some of out in the public our claims are mocked, simply because we cannot back our claims with stats, percentages, or researched facts. I think we make up for that with our passion for fair justice. The issue with the death penalty, is this form of punishment is the only in which emotions are involved. District attorneys ask victim’s families what do they wish for in sentencing of the convicted. District attorneys hold the hands of victim families all the way thru the process, from arrest to conviction and sometimes thru execution. Why don’t they do they for every murder case or every criminal case. Prosecutors know without the emotional effect of the victims family there would be no death penalty.
The emotions of fear are the leader of this revenge laden punishment. The prosecutor will tell the public or a jury that this defendant is a threat to society, a threat to their lives, a threat to the God-fearing, to the right thing people of their city but this defendant has done nothing that shows he or she is a threat. No prior arrest record, no prior warnings to say that this defendant deserves to be described as a monster that needs to be put to death. Fear is a strong motivator to be blind to any and all facts of a case at trial. A lot people believe that if a person is arrested then that person must be guilty. We ask that you, the public, voters or not, take time to educate yourself on issues at hand. The issue of the death penalty.
There was something else that I could have discussed with you in this article/letter, but I felt the need to talk to you instead of harking on and on about why you should support “Oppose Death Penalty”. So in closing let’s take emotions away from the process. How do we do this? We elect quality district attorneys whose record shows that they are fair and not abusive of the power they have. Truthfully that is a hard thing to do, because these are politicians and that’s the problem at its core.
Thank you for your time and I hope your support.
Oppose Death Penalty
Marcus Williams
Who Are We to Judge: Oppose Death Penalty
What are the true meanings behind the words used in legal jargon to describe methods and reasoning in the justice system. Well, my purpose for today is try and explain these specific terms pertaining to the issue at hand, the death penalty.
First there is a term I like to use to describe the nature of this type punishment, that is oxymoronic. Which means a combination of contradictory words. You will see as I go forward that these thoughts and practices are oxymoronic. Cruel and unusual punishment. The justice system says that the punishment must fit the crime and anything extreme is considered cruel and unusual punishment. These three words are tricky because when dealing murder convictions some people think that all killers should be killed in turn. That would qualify the saying “The punishment must fit the crime.”, but we all know that politicians with law degrees decide, biasly, who gets what type of punishment. So that alone disqualifies that notion of fair justice in the eyes of law. Cruel means causing pain and suffering to others; unusual means uncommon or rare; and punishment means retributive suffering, pain, and/or rough treatment. With the death penalty in mind, a person is forced death on a daily basis, that is suffering mentally-cruel. The death penalty is not a deterrent to murder, in fact, in all the murders that occur in this country, only a small percentage is sent to death row. Also fact, those sent to death row are not the worst cases. That makes this sentence unusual. The punishment is not meant to cause harm under law. How can you execute a person and not cause physical pain and damage to a person.
Saying all this is to show how this country contradicts itself on a daily basis. Speaking to you that consider yourself to be Christians, no matter what denomination or religious sector you are in, murder is wrong, sanctioned by the government or otherwise. The more you support this method of punishment, God is not smiling down on you for a deed done good.
It puzzles the mind that Christians are so adamantly against the death penalty. No one has explained that to me in convincing fashion, because no one can. Thruthfully this is a tool for venegance and political showpiece “we are tough on crime”. No, you are not. This capital punishment system is grotesque in its barest form. It’s inconsistent, not suitable to times of the world, it’s unfair to the poorest in this country and it is extreme in the way it is used to carry out justice.
In closing, I would like for you to think about and talk with those in your neighborhood, and really understand the false propaganda about the death penalty. This is your tax dollars being used inadequately. It is cheaper to sentence life in prison, that’s a fact.
Thank you,
Marcus Williams
Alabama Death Row
Broken Justice
As we draw nearer to an experimental execution. Thoughts of how unjust and broken the system of Justice really is in America and Alabama particularly. The understanding is that no matter how Cruel and unusual the death will be the outcome is what really matters. Blood Thirsty Vengeance.
No thought or care for those that will be at risk of inhaling the fumes that can't be seen or smelt. Furthermore, the ineptitude of this Death squad should be the first thing any court should be worried about. With Lethal Injection executions, botched and ugly deaths seem to be okay. Why is that? What does Alabama have over the courts for them to overlook, not see the problems? From the top to the bottom of this system, things must change. From false arrests to false statements, to false convictions and false imprisonment, this system is really irreparable.
There are guys who have spent decades on Death Row that are clearly innocent. It takes on average 16 months to wrongly convict but 16 yrs on average to overturn that wrong conviction. That's the lucky ones, some have died innocent here on Death Row. Who cares about them? As it stands, no one. As a public you are expected to trust what lawmakers say and do, with all these things happening, how can you? Ask yourself, look at yourself and say if it was me. Really think how you would feel and deal with a situation where the law and lawmakers failed you.
Then on top of all that, the audacity of this country and state to decide to experiment killing humans with a method deemed inhumane for putting down animals (pets).
Make it make sense, you can't, no one can. Politicians try, but no go.
The unfairness of justice is so blatant that it can't be seen. Hiding in plain sight so to speak. The arrogance of District Attorneys and Attorney Generals is so obvious and overlooked. These people will take and change the meaning of words of law to fit whatever agenda they have. Then there are judges, whether it's in District Courts. on the city/county levels or state judges and even the federal justices all the way up to the United States Supreme Court will agree. Knowing this is bad law practice but who cares.
These very courts have acknowledged that this new method is unknown, the outcome may vary, don't know if or how much pain and suffering will be involved, as yet to stop it from happening. So rule of low that's in the constitution has been changed, no, it's the meaning of words that has been changed. Cruel and Unusual punishment violates the 8th Amendment in the constitution as well as the United Nations Human Rights Rules, which America is a party member of. Punishments that cause severe pain or suffering, beyond harms inherent in lawful sanctions likely violate the Convention against Torture. Yet here we are, America, Alabama doing what it wants, though no other country can, without sanctions being meted out against them. This country has got to come to grips with reality. This system is evil and broken. To repair it, it must be torn down and made to stand by the words of this country's constitution. Until then, there are going to be many, many more sad days, moments.
It's time to end this barbaric and arbitrary act of Capital Punishment. Thank you.
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