The World We Live In




The things that concern me the most are how misleading our country and its leaders are. It’s like everything they do or say is not really what it is or what they say it’s for.


In 1971, Richard Nixon declared a “War on Drugs” and incarceration in American jails and prison jumped from 300,000 to 2.3 million. In a 1994 interview, Mr. Ehrlichman (Richard Nixon’s Domestic Policy Chief) said, “You want to know what this was really all about?” “The Nixon campaign in 1968 and the White House, had two enemies – the antiwar left, and black people …” Criminalizing “hippies” with marijuana and black people with heroin, disrupting those communities and arresting their leaders.


The rehabilitation programs within prisons (which are a joke) to create a political environment in which every elected official seek to be “tough on Crime”.


President Bill Clinton in 1994 signed the “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act”, allotting $12.5 billion to states to increase incarceration. Now, congress has recently taken steps to reduce disparities in drug sentencing laws, and is considering important reforms. This addresses the racialized mass incarceration launched by Nixon’s administration more than four decades ago.


Now, think about the death penalty and all who it effects … We’re not even going to talk about the money that goes into it and those who participate.




Mr. Worth 2 mill



Does the President Really Run This Nation?




Does the President truly command the respect of his counter parts and do they truly stand for the constitution that they agreed to uphold?


Where does the “Republican’s” interest truly lay, when the oppose their “States” leaders very job to appoint a successor to our fallen Supreme Justice and to uphold the rights to our constitution and the best interest of its  nation’s people? The president said “These are responsibilities that I take seriously, as should everyone. They are bigger than one party, they are about democracy.”


So why does Mr. Obama fear the challenge in getting the simple majority needed to confirm a nominee? Not to mention it will be even harder to rally the 60 vetoes needed if Republicans mount the use of obstructionist tactics.


Leaving a vacancy on the nation’s highest court for an entire year could result in legal gird looks, especially given that the court is to rule on political cases.


Climate Change, labor rights and legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act.


So are their concerns the same as the “people’s” or is it their pockets and big businesses that they’re trying to fill?




Mr. Worth 2Mill





Imagine That


Federal judge to hear arguments regarding Alabama’s Protocol


Drugs used; Midazolam


You’re indisputably are facing a substantial risk of experiencing excruciating pain. 


First from the suffocation induced by the paralytic, and then from the horrible burning feeling and cardiac arrest caused by potassium chloride.


And if that aint enough …


Those that carry out executions “don’t regularly perform a pinch test”, which is supposed to verify if inmates are unconscious before giving them rocuronium bromide and potassium chloride.


Most important …


Eight instances of when the defendants failed to do the “pinch test” during executions; Even when the test was performed, correctional officers were not instructed and did not know how hard to pinch inmates when conducting the consciousness assessment.


The states consistent efforts to keep every aspect of their lethal injection protocol and process in utter secrecy. Not to mention, Alabama’s revised protocol that even though provided is “heavily redacted”.


And the best for last; you the plaintiff has the “suicidal burden”, in order to challenge an unconstitutional method of execution, to choose an alternative method of execution …


Doesn’t sound flawless to me …


Mr. Worth 2mill


Z795 I-13



Where Has the Standard of Decency Progressed?


Chief Justice Earl Warren once explained: “It prohibits punishments that cannot be secured with ‘evolving standards of decency’ that marks the progression of a maturing society.” 

As the death penalty grows more and more uncommon, and it’s profound constitutional implications. The Eighth Amendment forbids “cruel and unusual punishments”. 

So, where does that put our “mature society” if we’re still allowing such injustice to continue? 

How can we be an “evolving society”, of our “standard of decency” if our answer is still kill those who kill! Where’s the “corrections” in that? 

Where and how do you determine that a man or woman, is beyond the point of rehabilitating or correcting them and rendering the conclusion of death in a way, that most animals don’t even reclone … 

Our standards are “evolving” and they are rapidly evolving away from the increasingly unusual practice of executions. 

Just haven’t started applying the methods.

 Mr. Worth 2mill 

Z795 I-13





When will it end? Our blood thirsty lust to for fill an “eye for an eye”. How many innocent lives will be lost due to a flawed system, whose only concern is to look good for the public eye while they secretly hide the truth? How many people must die unconstitutional deaths, masked by drugs that renders its victims paralyzed so no signs of struggle, discomfort or serious pain can be shown? 

A man, Reginald Clemons spent twenty-two years on Missouri’s death row awaiting the truth to be acknowledge. 

November 24th, 2015, the Missouri Supreme Court vacated the conviction and death sentence based on the fact that “the record included substantial, credible evidence that Mr. Clemons confession was coerced by physical abuse, inflicted by the police that would require that his confession be suppressed." 

The Guardian identified 21 discrepancies in the prosecution’s case against Clemons and including, among others, that the prosecution never disclosed the existence of a rape kit that could have identified the perpetrator and presented no evidence from the rape kit at trial. 

Wake Up America!! 

Mr. Worth 2mill
Z-795 I-13



When the heart is broken, and broken is the heart, what can you do … When simple words of encouragement is no longer of any use, and your spiritual GPS no longer navigates in positive directions … You can only see the evil in today’s society, because that’s all they can see in me … No more retribution they scream from within their walls, but little do the know, that when it all falls, it could be them … The Broken hearts of those whose hearts are broken.


Mr. Worth 2 Mill


“Food for Thought for the People Who Share This View”


George Stacey of the Anniston Star says, “I think our country and states believe taking a human life is very serious, and we think long and hard about what the laws governing a death sentence should be.” Well, to that I say and quote Akorn Pharmaceuticals, when I say that, “It has no records of its drug being sold to Alabama prisons”!! … Sure sounds like they thought long and hard about how they could illegally purchase drugs to take those human lives!! … And, best believe they’re serious about the laws that are governing a death sentence; so serious, that their officials are willing to break those laws and others, while they spend millions to send an innocent man to prison under the capital statutes. And, Mr. Stacey goes on, defending the death penalty, but I don’t share this with you because I personally feel as if it’s a waste of time, air and ink.

Once again, I take no pleasure in having to point out these words because I don’t believe in judging others or casting stones! … But when you’re living in the middle of the pond and stones are being skipped across, well I’m going to sink them!! …

Mr. Worth 2 mill

Z-795 H-11


The State


You speak of equality with every word that is spoken and insist that the world sees our views to begin the changes within society. You speak of morality, moralizing on the future and its future leaders but yet, in these moments you fail to remember those who strive with you. Those who are truly diligent in the cause & effect, that we wish to see unfold. Your actions don’t reflect the geopolitics that the world sees, but I do. I am one of few, who sees but still does the adequate world, so that the inadequate can begin to understand what we fight for.

Mr. Worth 2 mill,

Killer Christians in Texas


With a headline like that, you know I had to write about it! It amazes me, that topics like this are out there and even more that they’re factual. Before I start, I just want it to be known that I do not take pleasure in attacking religions or faiths. But, when you don’t practice what you preach, or what is taught, then you leave no room for chance.

Texas is one of the largest populations of Christians in the nation, but also they have the most executions of any other state. “WOW…!!?” And, Christians are the majority of people who live there!!? So, who are we to look at or to, to stop the madness? Surely it’s not the killer who was Christian, that fell from grace (so to speak), but definitely not the Christians who are killing the killer and thinking nothing of it. Or better yet, proud to have rendered the streets of the uncorrectable. And, this is not so much of an attack on the jurors, but more so for the governors and the attorney generals, to the state legislators, to the judges, to the district attorneys, to the prison guards and executioners. So, when did we stop talking about loving thy neighbor as ourselves? Now, I know some are thinking when that person committed the crime of taking what wasn’t his or another person’s life. While that doesn’t make you right, nor does it make the wrong doer. There’s no fine print in the bible that says, love only if or forgive only. So, how can so many Christians sit back and or participate in the condemning of a man to death!?

Mr. Worth 2 mill

More Secrecy!!?


I was taught that secrets were only needed when under-handed things are being done, otherwise they could be made public. So, what could the State of Ohio need with more secrecy? Here’s why: European drug companies have stopped supplying lethal injection drugs. But, not only that, recently Ohio has had yet another botched execution that lasted twenty-five minutes, before the convicted died! Now, officials attribute this to the difficulty of obtaining drugs needed. So, the answer, according to Ohio’s legislator and attorney General Mike Dewine, is more secrecy, which is now Bill (HB663) waiting to be ruled on. This bill restricts the courts and public from obtaining any information related to, any manner of that said execution. Which is usely gotten through subpoenas or discovery. Not only does this violate an inmate’s First Amendment right, but the public’s as well.

Arizona is facing this very same problem with a lawsuit currently in place that speaks about the fact of America’s First Amendment right being withheld in the matter. We have right as people to know about the specific execution protocols, such as types of drugs used in lethal injections and the companies that supply them.

The First Amendment Coalition of Arizona joined in saying, “Information should be released to the public”, and a judge granted stays to Arizona’s death row inmates and there will not be any death warrants given until the lawsuit is resolved.

So, what makes Ohio think that they’re special? And, what are they trying to hide?


Mr. Worth 2 Mil,

When Humans Fail


From the CDC to the Secret Service, both are ran by human functions and rely on protocols and military etiquette to perform their underlining titles.
While both government funded and government based entities fail to meet their given names (As we have seen on the news over these last months); They’re ran by humans so, therefore you’re always prone to see and to have mistakes.

Now, when these entities fail to meet their protocols we as citizens become outraged and begin to take action immediately; TV, newspapers, radio stations.

but, when lesser government protocols are not met (like the death penalty) we look and then continue to look on, while innocent people continue to die and be hurt.

We have seen, over time how the judicial system has failed to indict, convict and kill the right person(s). The fact is that, we as humans are prone to mistakes and failures throughout life and to believe that we’ll ever get something like taking the lives of people right, then we have failed as a human race.

There will always be a doubt about a person’s guilt or innocence and we will always make mistakes when it comes to placing a person’s true intent. The truth is, the many problems we face with the CDC and the Secret Service can be solved and fixed, but the many issues with the death penalty, there’s only one solution to correct it.
If we don’t use this corrective action towards this serious problem … then that’s when humans fail.

Jordaan Créque
Z-795 – H-9



Cruel and Unusual


Judge William O’Neill of Ohio’s Supreme Court says: “While I recognize that capital punishment is the law of the land, I cannot participate in what I consider to be a violation of the Constitution I have sworn to uphold.”


Now, imagine spending twenty-three hours a day, every day in a five by eight cell. Your kitchen, bathroom, living room, dining room and bedroom are all shared in this one confined space. This is where you live and if you are not fortunate (which very few are), there’s not TV or radio to watch or listen to, it’s just you and your many thoughts. If that does not say cruel and unusual, then there’s always the thoughts of your appeals, coming to no success and then dying in an undeterminable amount of time and in a undeterminable amount of pain. This is the reality a death row inmate lives in.


Is this not cruel and unusual punishment, not to mention heinous, atrocious and cruel, compared to other capital punishments!


Jordaan S. Cre’que
Z-795 H-9



Where The Problem Lies (Part I)


Now, for these who are reading this, your first thought maybe that, the problem lies or begins when the crime is first committed. While this is a true factor and I totally agree that, this is where the problem begins, it’s not where it lies.
According to Alabama law, a defendant must have the intent to kill, in order to be found guilty of a capital offense (Alabama Code 13A-5-401b).
While on the other hand felony murder does not require that specific intent to kill, it requires only the intent to commit the underlying felony (robbery, escape, kidnapping, burglary) (Alabama Code 13A-6-2(a)(3)).
So, my point is that, surely not every attempted arson burglary, escape, kidnapping or robbery was meant to end in having a death as its ending outcome.
Now let’s look at this from the DA’s point of view. He needs convictions and to be tough on crime, in order to retain his position. Being respectably tough and fair is a difficult job, but when your job revolves around your convictions, it leaves little room for fairness (in my opinion). Also, having to be elected, for the position, only makes it more difficult to be fair and adds more aggression towards the death penalty. It becomes apolitical game, and you no longer stand to uphold the law or true justice.
So as a nation, how can we say, we condole deaths at all aspects, but then turn around and use the murders of wrong doers as a political campaign! Hypocritos! I call us, people of the south. But once again, this is not where the problem lies, it’s only the beginning.


Jordaan Creq'ue H-9 Z-795