When Innocence is No Defense
Every week it’s always innocent people looking for a way out through the favor of courts.
Every day is always a fight for a man whose life is being put to the test cause of witnesses being able to tell the D.A. and courts whatever they please, whether it’s the truth or not.
To take a man’s life and not have for sure reasoning, and a lack of evidence is a total disrespect to our nation as a people.
I don’t truly think the constitution serves its purpose to the best of its ability! No man deserves to die, but to do everything outside the laws to execute a man. Especially an innocent one is a statement! It shows the laws aren’t made to support the people’s rights, but to ensure someone will pay the price of a crime to say we have closure or to bring about a conviction to make the D.A.s look like they’re the good boys, doing a good job!
When in reality they’re the real killers! Instead of producing on going hate towards one another, let’s ty loving and supporting each other. Life is too short to be pointing fingers. Like any one person is better than the next, that goes for us all, because we’re all equal under the Father Jehovah!
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