American Worst Experiment
Ever – Lethal Injection


I say experiment, because that’s what lethal injection truly is! We went from the barbarism of hanging, firing squad, gas chamber, the electric chair frying the condemned to death. To lethal injection our opponents praised and raved about how humane and just is was. The condemned would just fall asleep eliminating botched executions.
But, we know that’s a lie! The ghastly and nightmarish botched executions in Ohio of Mr. Dennis McGuire that took 26 minutes and in Oklahoma of Mr. Clayton Lockett that took 40 some minutes proves lethal injection is no more humane than the methods before it. I know our opponents couldn’t have ever fathom a botched execution more gruesome than Mr. Lockett, but it happened! It took the State of Arizona 90 minutes to murder Mr. Joseph Woods, an atrocious and heinous murder!! I couldn’t help but to wonder what were going through the executioner and officials mind as they stood by and watched Mr. Woods painfully suffering for 90 minutes. Did one even murmur to themselves out of pity, please die, please die! Because there were nothing humane and just about Mr. Woods’ lying there for 90 minutes painfully gasping for breath and life itself! They had to feel that, all humanity and God himself had abandoned them and what they do in the name of justice and God! But God don’t do evil, only Satan does that!
I don’t know what it’s going to take for our society to come to the realization that, capital punishment is an evil act, I just pray it won’t take another Mr. Wood! Or one worst. Because what Niclas Berdyaev (1874 – 1948) wrote then, is true today: “Capital punishment is murder pure and simple. It is the most striking instance of the State overstepping its legitimate boundaries for human life belong to God and not to man!” And stop this terrible evil. Evil, what is evil? There is only one evil, to deny life! by D.H. Lawrence (1885 – 1930)


Grace be with you
Ant Giles


If not you – the people, hopefully our U.S. Supreme Court will, which know most of you, have little or no faith in our court ever doing such a thing. But, there is one thing I think we do agree on and that is lethal injection is an experiment and that it become a ghastly nightmare for the States. Which is why I earnestly believe the court is cling to do something about it, let’s not forget that in 1972 the court brought the States death machine to a halt, and if the court can do it once, it can do it again. We just have to cling to our faith remembering “Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible!” Amen.