The Wrong Fights




Right now everyone’s focus is on Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions being President Trump choice of US Attorney General. What happened to the passion to stop the death penalty? You want to show passion to fight against things are right now that can’s control president’s picks but you can be a voice and put up the fight what they do.


I am asking and pleading, please return to the true focus on stopping the death penalty because it goes against the 8th amendment. The true fight is the rights of every one upheld even for the ones who are also locked up.




By: An Angel in the Shadows



Voice in the Shadows




Two years have passed and now I’m working my third year on working for Oppose. I have seen the fights that we fought. Some won, some lost and some still fighting. Right now we are regrouping because of the loss of Project Hope’s chairman Ron Smith. Ron was one of the many voices to fight against the death penalty. Ron’s execution had gone wrong from the start of the protocol. Ron had failed the protocol test to see if he was conscious but the State of Alabama killed in cold blood Ron Smith and called it justice. So now, I will continue the fight that Ron Smith brought me to fight. As a Voice in the Shadows I ask you, help stop the death penalty, because it goes against the 8th amendment and there is no uncruel way of killing, it’s all cruel! Please join us to stop this cold blooded killing by the State of Alabama.




By: An Angel in the Shadows



True Criminals




The true criminals that have never seen a court room, jail cell, or prison are the crooked judges, politicians, and police who get away with the same crimes they charge the less fortunate with. We (Alabama) have a Speaker of the House that was just convicted of 12 out of 23 ethical charges, but has yet to see a day in prison. And, the only reason he was convicted is some of his fellow politicians turned on him.



We have a governor that just committed adultery while stressing his religious beliefs. The part that Alabama citizens should focus on though, is that he did it on the tax payers’ dime. It was with someone on his staff (which means, tax payers were paying his and her salaries). However, he hasn’t been impeached yet.



You have police killing people on the streets, and not one of them has been found guilty, even when there’s clear evidence they were wrong. These are the things that show you who the true criminals are, and how they’re escaping justice. These are the ones getting away with their crimes, escaping justice, and the outcry is but a mere whisper into the wind. There’s no “eye for an eye – tooth for a tooth”-style justice here. That’s only reserved for those considered lesser thans. The criminal justice system in America (Alabama especially) is a joke!




By: An Angel in the Shadows



Fair Judge




A judge needs to be fair when he rules over a case. However, no matter how much they say they are a judge can’t be fair, because they read a newspaper and watch the news (when a jury is instructed not to do so). All because of these news sources they know more that goes on before a trial even starts, and that can cause a judge to enact his personal feelings into a trail, not logic and law. No matter how much a judge says he can be fair, and unaffected by public perception, he can’t, because he’s human, and we’re all prone to emotions.




By: An Angel in the Shadows







Lately, we’ve been experiencing an outrageous amount of violence in the streets, and as sad as it all is, we have to remain focused.


We’ve truly lost focus, because of all the publicity being given to the more dramatic senseless violence. Police killing innocent people in the streets. People retaliating against the police. But, because of this we’re losing the focus on out fight against the death penalty, and if we lose the momentum gained states will be killing again at an alarming rate, before we know it. We need to continue to fight the courts and show them that the death penalty is against the 8th amendment. Also, that the sentencing scheme in capital cases is against the 6th and 8th amendments … and how they use it makes it unfair and unjust. Let us turn our fight back to stopping the blood thirsty states, who continue to waste tax payers’ dollars in its pursuit to murder its own citizens for revenge.




By: An Angel in the Shadows



A State That’s Blood Thirsty




The State of Alabama always tries to make it seem as though they’re serving justice, when in fact, they’re just out for blood thirsty revenge. In Alabama, state sponsored murder makes it all better, no matter the ill. Even before the jury takes shape in a capital murder trial, all the jurors have pretty much made up their minds, that the defendant is at least guilty of something, or they wouldn’t be locked up. So, they’re on a mission to help the family get some sort of revenge. The State of Alabama does not believe in justice, but they do believe in win at all costs … cheating is taught. As the blood lust in the State of Alabama grows they have awakened their sleeping death chamber. With the taking of Christopher Brooks’ life Alabama’s death machine screams for more. It needs souls to enrich the soil, that thrives from the blood of so many. The State of Alabama, and its death machine reached out its tentacles and again tried claiming a soul. It wanted to murder Vernon Madison, an invalid of a man. No matter to Alabama, it’s the soul they’re after. It took a federal court to step in and stop that madness, but Alabama and its death machine didn’t go quietly. They fought for that blood, and that soul. In the end, they had to retreat back into the dark, where they wait to fight another day. So, we ask you to continue you’re fighting along with Project Hope, and Oppose to help stop this blood thirsty state, its death machine, and its force of justice.



By: An Angel in the Shadows






Right now, the United States is in the middle of is presidential election. With the propaganda comes doubts from the voters. To the point, many say they don’t care to vote, but then those same people complain about who gets elected. People need to really realize, that every vote does matter. It matters most, because it’s your right. So, exercise it. On election day, show up, vote, and make your voice heard.




By: An Angel in the Shadows



Need a Justice




As of right now, the United State Supreme Court is down one justice, and it looks as if there won’t be another one appointed anytime soon. Which means, the court can’t really hear a case, and judge it fairly, because they’re trying to do so with a possible tie sitting at the back of their thoughts. Leaving a defendant that has a constitutional right to have his case heard, should the court accept it, by a full panel of justices without having to worry about a possible 4-4 tie kicking the case back down to the 11th circuit. We need the selfish, and posturing members of congress to stop getting in the way of the President choosing a new justice just out of spite. There needs to be 9 justices in case of a tie and so that a fair and full hearing can be conducted. Here at Project Hope, we are asking you the followers of our sites, supporters, and citizens of this country to help us push forward, let your voices be heard, and tell congress to get out of the way the President can do his job.




By: An Angel in the Shadows



Religious Freedom




This country was founded on religious freedoms, on July 4th, 1776.


However, most people don’t know that, when an inmate on death row reach the end of their appeals they’re forced to choose which amendment they want to forgo, the first or the eighth. See, the courts force inmates to choose a method they should die. Which in most religions goes against the first amendment. Especially, in southern religions as committing suicide, or participating in your own suicide is a sin. No human being should be backed into that corner, especially not by other God fearing human beings. What the courts are making inmates do in Alabama has been labeled “a suicide burden” by an actual federal judge … first and eighth amendments be damned.


We ask that, you let your state representatives know just how wrong this is, and you want it stopped.




By: An Angel in the Shadows



No Money




In the past we have heard that our leaders in our government crying we have no money, we need to raise taxes. Now, these so called leaders here in Alabama want to build three new prison facilities. These leaders cry that we are in debt, but they still try to find ways to put us deeper in debt. They want to build 3,000 to 4,000 bed facilities. In California they tried to build a new prison but it only put them deeper in debt, and they still could not finish their prison. They say these new prisons will take at the least 36 months to build, but that’s if they remain on schedule and have the money to finish them. Then, how will they staff them? No one wants these jobs … More danger, less pay! Here at Project Hope we bring you the information that our leaders refuse to tell you.




by: An Angel in the Shadows





In the State of Alabama we have a governor by the name of Robert Bentley. As Governor Robert Bentley as always claim to be a true Christian, true man of God, but he prove to be a hypocrite. A hypocrite is a pretender, a play actor. Also, one whose walk doesn’t match his talk and is a person who doesn’t possess what he professes, or do what he says. Governor Bentley had a chance to touch and agree with religious leaders and groups against the death penalty to save a man’s life but Governor Robert Bentley choose to not take those phone calls, because these people were to touching and agreeing on behalf of Chris Brooks. Here at Project Hope our jobs are to bring the truth to you, our followers and anyway when we bring the truth, we won’t be hypocritical about it.


An Angel in the Shadows



10 – 2




On 1-12-16 the Supreme Court ruled on the Florida vs Hurst of jury as to be now 12 – 0 for death. As the highest court in land made this ruling, now Alabama and Florida government is try to in their own back doors ways trying put their own limits on it. Right now in Alabama it is 10 – 2 for death, some of have appeals and others don’t but the 10 – 2 sent a lot to the death row. Now we here at Project Hope are asking you the followers to help keep Alabama fair cause we also here on death row we have people that have 10 – 2 who been on the row for 17 years or more and yet again please help Project Hope keep Alabama fair.


By: An Angel in the Shadows



Police Chief




A police chief is post to be a man of honor and is post to be the example of all the police under him. Right now we are hearing that there is one not performing to his duties and lying and veering up a huge black his department also refusing to fix the problem and tell the truth. The chief in question is the police chief of Dothan, Alabama and the black eye he is covering is that he has officer passing out race flares and falsified paper and evidence to put the black community in prison. There are officers that are coming forward to bring the truth out and the police chief is lying saying that is not truth. Here at Project Hope we will relieve truth and point out every lie in the State of Alabama hiding.


By: An Angel in the Shadows



True Hidden Racism




The oldest form entertainment is puppetry, it is where the puppet master was using strings to operate the puppet. In Dothan, Alabama right now it’s police force and the D.A.’s office are being string along by the oldest of puppet masters, the Grand Wizard of the KKK. Right now in Dothan has been hiding the fact of this racism because it has been found out the officers of the Dothan police has been passing out flyers for joining the Klan. From 1994 – 1006 the Dothan police and the D.A. have been hiding evidence, planting evidence, or falsated document that have falsely locked up most of the young black community. Now it is 2015 and the justice system is starting to look into but we have not heard this subject come up from our governor or our Attorney General about this topic. My question I have is, the governor and Attorney General being strong along to hide this racism from the public eye or do they really don’t hide anything from you our followers. We will bring everything to the light and show that is one race and that is the human race.


By: An Angel in the Shadows



Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or Guilty Conscience




Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is defined as a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event – either experiencing it or witnessing it. What cause PTSD is inherited mental health risks, such as an increased risk of anxiety and depression. Another cause of PTSD it the way your brain regulates the chemicals and hormones your body releases in response to stress. Some of the symptoms is recurrent, unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event. The risk factors with PTSD is experiencing intense or long-lasting trauma and lacking a good support system of family and friends. One traumatic event that cause PTSD is being threatened with a weapon. They said that 31 % of corrections officers that actually carry out execution could get PTSD. The state don’t tell you that guards or corrections officers that carry out executions during the years before an execution, the same guards build a friendship with inmates like proverbs 17:17 says, a friend loveth at all times and proverbs 18:24 says, a man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.


I have to ask, how can it be PTSD, when their job has no elements for PTSD? In this writer’s opinion it can’t be PTSD, it has to be a guilty conscience, ‘cause are the ones that their friends that are inmates to the death chamber. A correction officer who was on the execution team in Missouri and Florida and Mississippi said, do we have the right to ask me, or any prison official, to bloody my hands with an innocent person’s blood? Not in the name of justice, not in the name of fairness. In Florida there is a warden who is haunted by the men that he executed in the name of Florida. As a member of Project Hope and Oppose my job is to help educate all about the death penalty. I learn from the other members of the group teach me, so I can share with you, the followers of our sites.


By: An Angel in the Shadows


Environment Can Cause a Violation to 8thAmendment


The environment is all conditions, circumstances and influences surrounding, affecting the development of an organism or group of organisms. The 8th amendment states that no man should face cruel and unusual punishment. Environment that a inmate is in can also violation the 8thamendment. All death row inmate face that problem. During summers the cells on death row get so hot you can just break into sweat just trying to write your loves, and during winter it gets so cold that you dare not come from the covers. The shower water is hot in the summer and cold in the winter. This summer there were few people getting over heated and falling out in church. Here at Project Hope we will not just teach you that 8th amendment is focus on the death penalty. It is also focus on the environment that the inmates on death row lives in which also is violation to the 8thamendment


An Angel in the Shadows

The Leech


A leech is a person who clings to another to gain some personal advantage. Here in the State of Alabama we have such a person. It is Attorney General Luther Strange. As soon ruling came down from the U.S. Supreme Court on the Midazolam did not go against the 8th amendment, Luther Strange and his office were quick and hungry for blood like the leeches they are. They said, they were ready and they released 9 names of inmates to all the local papers. Now his office has filed a motion for dismissal at the Alabama Supreme Court to dismiss the lawsuits the inmates have against the prox calls. These inmates are men too. They have a right to see that the 8th amendment be rightfully and truthfully in force. As leech Attorney General office sucking the money out everyone’s pocket not tell you how much it cost to house a death row inmate. It costs the state between 380 & 384 million to house all death rows. Here at Project Hope will always bring you the truth against the death penalty and will not bleed you dry.

An Angel in the Shadows

--- 31 to 90 ---


In Ecclesiastes 3:1-3 it says to everything is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill and a time to heal. Over 2000 years the punishment for murder was death. 2000 years ago they would of stone, crucified, or feed the murderers to the lions. Now today we use the gas chamber, the electric chair, and the lethal injection for the means to carry out the capital punishment. There was 18 states that didn’t use or believe in the death sentence and Nebraska has now join those states making the count to 19. These states now can use their extra money to help the schools, the highway projects, fond state parks, and more money for city and county works. Here at Project Hope we bring the facts that Alabama and the other states that make up the remaining 31 states don’t want you to know. Project Hope goal is not just to abolish the death penalty but also our goal is to help you see pass Alabama’s lies.

by: An Angel in the Shadows

- Between a Rock and Hard Place –


In proverbs 12:23 it says the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness and proverbs 14:8 it says the folly of fool is deceit. Our leaders here are really trying to show us that they really don’t care about the United States constitutional 8th amendment, cause they were voting on new bills for the secret drug bill and the electric chair. Recently both bills have been losing their backers. Our leaders really thought using the electric chair as a scare tactic would cause death row inmates and their lawyers to let up about the subject of the drugs being used in the lethal injection. These leaders deep down want to put death row between a rock and a hard place.

We ask you to help us make a stand as we stand up for the 8th amendment to see it truly and rightly followed.

An Angel in the Shadows

The Call is Out


In Matthew 18:19 it says that if two you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Here at Project Hope we want to congratulate the groups who are in the 19 states for their long hard fight against the death penalty. We have a question for these groups, whose fight is over in your state. What is the next projects or goals? Well, Julius Caesar said Romans, countrymen lend me your ears, but oppose is asking you, lend us your resources. So, we too can be in the count. My brothers and sisters, the call is out, if we pull together all our resources the 31 will be 0. Let us stand together in the fight against the death penalty.

by: An Angel in the Shadows

The State and Their Money


There is an old saying, a fool and their money will soon part. In proverbs 22:7 it says, the rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender. In Luke 14:28-30 it says, for which of you, indending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him. Saying, this man began to build, and was not able to finish. The leaders here are crying we’re in debit by 700 million and let’s raise taxes higher. The leaders say we don’t have the money for the schools, highways, state parks, or the money to fund law enforcement. Here at Project Hope have heard that recently that the surrounding states have a poll to see how much it cost per inmate on death row. These surrounding states estimate that it cost two million per inmate. Here at Project Hope always bring you the facts we use the information from that poll and the information we already had so we ran the numbers to see what the estimate. Alabama altogether has 190 to 192 inmates on death row and times by the estimate two million per inmate using this poll, it’s costing Alabama between 380 to 384 million. Here at Project Hope using a poll from the surrounding states showing there half the debit right there, so there is another way to cut the debit in half. Just some food for thought.

by: An Angel in the Shadows

Where the Healing Went?


I have a question to ask all the pharmacists, pharmacologists, and pharmacies. The question is, where the healing went? Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians 12:9, the gift of healing comes from the Holy Spirit. Psalm 103:3 in its own way ask who health all thy diseases. Jeremiah 70:17, for I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds. Let’s look at the definition of pharmacist, pharmacologist and pharmacy to see where the healing went to.


Pharmacist: A person licensed practice pharmacy

Pharmacologist: A person that studies of the preparation, qualities, and uses of drugs. An example a pharmacologist does is pharmacotherapy.

Pharmacotherapy: The treatment of disease with drugs

Pharmacy: The art or profession of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines.


Now we see where the healing should be with the pharmacist, pharmacologist, and pharmacy because they make and study medicines and or drugs. Today these people have wonder off path of their profession. These people have in away use to heal people and now they’re killing people with their drugs. The definition of medicine will prove that these people have when from being healers to killers.



1. The science and art of diagnosing, treating, curing and preventing disease, relieving pain, and improving and preserving health.

2. The branch of this science and art that makes use of drugs, diet, etc. as distinguished esp. from surgery and obstetrics.

3. Any drug or substance used in treating disease, healing or relieving pain.


As we see in the definition of medicine says nowhere in it to make drugs to kill. These people don’t care for healing cause the Department of Correction is paying to make their 3 drugs that kill. First you have the drug the doctors stop using for surgery cause it didn’t keep people sedated. That drug is Midazolam hydrochloride. They figure, hey if the doctors don’t want to use it anymore, let’s sell it to the D.O.C. and don’t tell them why the doctors stop using it cause that Midazolam does not sedate for when the second drug rocuronium bromide, a drug designed to stop a person from breathing, hit Mr. Joseph Wood’s system he was gasping for air for 2 hours before he died. Third drug is Potassium chroride that is designed to the heart but cause midazolam did not do it job a inmate before he dead said he felt like he was being burn alive.


After these botched executions using 500 milligrams Midazolam hydrochloride, 600 milligrams rocuronium bromide and 240 milligram potassium chloride, these people who make the need to go back to making drugs that saves lives cause the making drugs to take lives are not working you can see that for yourself. These companies cause they want the money so bad their acting like our leaders in office don’t care about the United States constitutional 8th amendment. We need you to be healer again cause there are people that need to be heal. Here at Project Hope would like you the followers of this site to help us bring back the healing by writing, calling or emailing these big pharmacy companies and tell them we need healers not killers.


by: An Angel in the Shadows

Shield God’s Love


A shield is a warrior’s protection. The warriors of Greece shields were made of bronze. Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:16 to take up the shield of faith and 6:17 to take up the sword that is the word of God. In Hebrews 4:12 it says that the word of God is sharper than a double edge sword. Faith is our love for God. We here at Project Hope bring you the truth about how Alabama try to pass a law hiding the fact they bought the drug that does not work for the death chamber on the black market. Here at Project Hope we are asking you take up the shield and defend off the lies that Alabama has about the death penalty.

By: An Angel in the Shadows

A Word of Knowledge


Knowledge is defined as the body facts, principles etc. Acquired through human experience and thought. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12:8 for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge. But who does the spirit give this knowledge to? It gives to mankind. In Proverbs 18:4 says, the word, a man’s mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook. Also Proverbs 19:8 says he that getteth wisdom, love his own soul; he that keepeth understanding shall find good. We here at Project Hope have brought the knowledge that Alabama has twice tried to pass secret laws that in truth violate the United States constitutional 8th amendment. The first secret law they tried to pass to bring back the electric chair, aka The Beast Yellow Mama. The second secret law they tried to pass was to hide the fact that they were buying the drug that does not work for the death chamber on the black market. Here at Project Hope we ask you to please take the knowledge we have given you and we ask don’t let Alabama mislead you with their lies about the death penalty.

By: An Angel in the Shadows